In different countries different languages are spoken and within each country variation of the central language occurs which depends on the factors like culture variation, dialect or local terms of objects people and places. Language is very important to every individual it involves new words coming into out vulcobary. One word has 2 different meaning as it deals with different situations or events. Language involves the following:
Dialect – This is a original of a language with different volcabury, grammar and punctuations, for example in Scotland English words are pronounced different depending on the region of were the person comes from. Dialect is very difficult to understand by the people from a different country than talking with relatively close people.
Slang – a slang language is a type of language that short words are used and this happens more commonly with people that know each other. Slang is also a term that is used for informal words and phrases that are commonly inn a speech than in written.
Jargon – This type of language us used by some groups, profession or culture sometimes in short term of words and phrases. Jargon is not understood by every individual only some individuals understand it. If the jargon is not explained individuals will not understand the words that are being used. A member of staff would prefer the short jargon neither but a health and social care worker it’s not very important nor to use jargon language when talking to patients as it can cause confusion and misunderstandings.
Verbal communication – This is a type of language that is used in the communication cycle as well. This type of communication is used in our everyday basis and it involves sending and receiving messages with words including writing and sigh language.
Non verbal communication – This type of communication involves physical gestures, like good eye contact, facial expressions, and physical attachment and so on.
(P2) Describe the stages of the communication cycle.
The communication is started by one person known as the “sender” and is received by the other person which is knows and the “receiver”. When sending the message the sender will look at visual clues to show to show that the receiver has understood and received the message.
Effective communication process between sender and receiver
Ideas will occur
Ideas will occur and a decision has been made to send message it can be written, typed or spoken.
Message decoded
The sender will think in what suitable way they can send the message without any misunderstandings. This stage can involve body language like smiling and good eye contact. It is very important that the sender uses a good comfortable tone of voice when sending the message.
Message sent
The sender has sent the message to the receiver
Message received
The message that the sender has sent to the receiver the message has been received. The reply form the receiver will depend on a number of factors such as the receiver is in the positio9n to hear or listen or if they understood the message that they have received without any misunderstandings.
Message decoded
The receiver has received the message they will process the information
(P3) Describe factors that may influence communication and interpersonal interactions with particular references to health and social care settings:
Communication is a daily activity for some people but for some others its strange and uncomfortable activity that can cause them frustrations and embarrassment. Some people have a physical disability which can affect communication. Some other people have mental heath issues, illness or disease this can be a barrier to communication.
Factors that influence communication and interpersonal interactions in health and social care settings:
Environment – noise, seating, lightning, setting
Barriers – personality, disability, stereotypes
Behavior effects – self esteem, self image, confidence
Behavior – attitude, body language, aggressiveness, calm
Communication preferences – language, sigh , symbols
Language use – writing, hearing aids, glasses
Types of communication
In the health and social care settings written language is used such as letters, leaflets, or brochures that will give you information and also explain the care routines. This can cause difficulties in some people as they have difficult with reading, writing or understanding. Some people have literacy difficulties which they have problems with filling in forms and not understanding really important information.
Language use and preference
A lot of people speak their own language this may be because they prefer as it’s easy for them to communicate and this should be repeated by other individuals. Barriers to communication can appear by making information inaccessible to different people for example by making leaflets, posters and sigh language is one language only.
Cultural differences
Barriers to communication can be caused by cultural awareness and the needs of individuals due to personal beliefs. You can improve this type of barriers by asking the person what they require and sharing information withy them.
Some individuals will not have barriers to communication just because they are ill or disabled. But however some other people will disability or illness do have problems with communication speech and hearing due to physical problems. People who use wheelchairs feel invisible at times as people don’t tend to talk to them a lot. It’s really important to the disabled person that they prefer to be spoken as an individual in their own rights; this means that they like to talk to them first before making comments about their disability.
People being affected by depression can lead a person into illness which will affect their communication. Depression will happen when a person expectant doesn’t meet their needs and that is when they will loose hope. They will feel very disappointed and upset and they will not be in the mood for communicating about anything. Depression can lead person feeling angry and also grief will be [part of the depression. Loosing a certain person will affect the individuals self esteem, self image and self concept and also it will affect them in many different ways.
Personality is very important to every individual you can find some people easy to communicate with but at the same time you can find some other people very difficult to communicate with. In the health and social care settings it’s very important that you consider how people are communicating with each other. If a person is quite and un-communicating it’s very hard to receive any information as they don’t tend to talk. Illness and disability and disease can affect the way a person express their feelings and their opinions to some one who doesn’t have illness or disease it will be hard to know their feelings.
Value and belief systems
Values like respect, dignity and equal opportunities will help people communicate effectively because there ill is less chance of misunderstanding. Values and beliefs can cause problems in communication as not everyone has the same beliefs. In a professional environment differences can be sorted and as long as both individuals in the communication feel they can pass information that is relevant and people are able to express themselves without disagreeing In other persons rights. In the health and social care settings it’s very important to respect every individual’s beliefs and value system and cared for. The person working in the health and social care settings has a daily to care for their clients or patients and that have any negative views and opinions on their patients beliefs.
Different environment will affect the social communication. People tend to have vies and opinions in the individuals but it’s the care workers job to help to put a person at and a good communication method and if there’s any barriers in the environment try to over come it. When people feel, very relaxed they are in better shape on communicating and interacting with other individuals in the society. A health and social care professionals should be aware that when a patient to client comes to see them a person boundaries and rules should be observed so that the client or person can understand.
Time can influence communicating because a person requires amount of time from the other person so they can talk to express their opinions and feelings. When the person feels that the other person has time to talk they will feel unappreciated. In a health and social care settings time is not always respected as they have a target to see a lot of clients or patients and don’t have time to make just for 1 certain client or patient. However this can be improved by making a longer appointment so it can help the patients or clients and will have a longer time to talk and express their views and opinions.
Anxiety can cause barriers to communication as it will leave an individual unable to speak through some factors like, embarrassment, fear or shyness. Physical; signs can occur when going through them factors like pulse rate, dry mouth and sweating.
Stereotyping is when you don’t treat everyone the same. If we treat everyone the same it will mean that whoever the person is they will be treated themselves as all others. Not everyone is the same so not everyone should be treated the same. There are a lot of people that find it really hard to communicate so they should be given individual treatment. Stereotyping happens when we attribute charaectistcs top people making assumption before finding out who they really are individually. A health care worker needs to establish what kind of care is required.
(P4) Identify how the communication needs of patients/service users may be assisted, including non-verbal communication.
What are hearing aids?
A hearing aid is a small electronic device that you wear in or behind your ear. It makes some sounds louder so that a person with hearing loss can listen, communicate, and participate more fully in daily activities. A hearing aid can help people hear more in both quiet and noisy situations. However, only about one out of five people who would benefit from a hearing aid actually uses one. A hearing aid has three basic parts: a microphone, amplifier, and speaker. The hearing aid receives sound through a microphone, which converts the sound waves to electrical signals and sends them to an amplifier. The amplifier increases the power of the signals and then sends them to the ear through a speaker.
How can hearing aids help an individual?
Hearing aids are primarily useful in improving the hearing and speech comprehension of people who have hearing loss that results from damage to the small sensory cells in the inner ear, called hair cells. This type of hearing loss is called sensorineural hearing loss. The damage can occur as a result of disease, aging, or injury from noise or certain medicines. A hearing aid magnifies sound vibrations entering the ear. Surviving hair cells detect the larger vibrations and convert them into neural signals that are passed along to the brain. The greater the damage to a person’s hair cells, the more severe the hearing loss, and the greater the hearing aid amplification needed to make up the difference. However, there are practical limits to the amount of amplification a hearing aid can provide. In addition, if the inner ear is too damaged, even large vibrations will not be converted into neural signals. In this situation, a hearing aid would be ineffective.
Service users that have difficulties on communication because of their needs require specific hearing aids, computer software and Braille to make them read more easily.
Many service users in the health and social care settings have specific communication needs like the following:
- Individuals with learning difficulties
- Individuals with hearing impairments
- Individuals with mental health issues
When the service users suffer from the list above its very important that in these cases we have to be very carefully and provide treatment to the service users with whatever condition that they are suffering from.
• People can have problems with communicating with people for a range of reasons, there are many services that can be provided to help assist this person in communication and overcome the barriers. For a start there are lots of support services available and which one is most appropriate will depend on the problem. Advocate Advocates are people who are hired to assist people with maybe learning difficulties or People with mental health issues will get their thoughts and ideas communicated. The advocate could be a simple volunteer in a care setting such as a residential home or a lawyer in a court of law room. This support makes sure that someone's best interest is always being communicated, yet the advocate has to be careful that it is always on their clients thoughts being communicated and they do not additionally add what they think is right or wrong in communicating.
What is Braille?
Braille is a system off dots on paper that form letter and words that are made especially for blind [people with fingerprints. Each Braille has a letter word, punctuation mark and numbers or musical notes can be made up by using different combination of these dots. Braille is a tactile reading system used to present text to a reader who has a visual impairment. There are many cause of blindness, in many cases people are born blind and most blind people become blind at later live stages. The most common causes of blindness are diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and glaucoma.
In the vision loss can be learned with help of specially trained rehabilitation teachers, orientation and mobility specialist and more. The skills include.
Independent living—Use the wide range of specialized adaptive devices and techniques for adapting your home and caring for yourself.
Communication—Continue reading and writing by switching from standard reading material to large print books and newspapers; using writing guides or magnification programs for the computer screen. Maintain everyday skills with specialized time-telling and telephone devices; a fool-proof method of identifying coins and bills when shopping; identifying and storing food, etc. Develop computer skills for staying in touch with family and friends via e-mail, handling banking and investment tasks, and much more; learning Braille; making effective use of an ever-expanding range of technological devices.
Mobility—Use specific orientation and mobility techniques, and tools for getting around safely—in your home, around your neighborhood, and on trips to distant places.
Low-vision devices—Take advantage of the many low-vision optical and adaptive devices that help you to see well.
(M1) Explain how the communication cycle may be used to communicate difficult, complex and sensitive issues.
The communication cycle occurs between one or more then one person. The communication is started by one person which is knows as the “sender” and the message is being received by the “receiver”.
When two people are talking in difficult issues the communication cycle is begin used. When the sender sends the message they are looking for visual clues to show that the receiver has understood the message so that they can receive a reply. The communication cycle is being used in our every day communication in the following issues:
- Complex communicating
- Difficult communicating
- Sensitive communicating
As I’ve just said before the cycle has 6 stages of communicating. Includes obtaining or giving thoughts, noting body language, working out what the person is thinking, listening to response, understanding response and obtaining or giving thoughts. All for these steps can help in the communication of complex. By following the communication cycle you use appropriate style and methods of communications, you try to meet the needs and references on individuals, you get more conscious about the concerns and reactions of people. The purpose of the communication is selected appropriately. When you notice the body language of the person you can better know about their intentions when you’re communicating with them. In this case the communication cycle lowers the chances of any mishap in the discussions of a serious issue.
The communication cycle goes backwards and forwards between the people communicating with each other. It’s now known that in each communication there will be a sender and a receiver. As I’ve done in p2 describing the communication cycle I am going to explain in it this part of the assignment into further more details and how it can help every day issues.
- The sender will first think what do they want to say
- They’re going to think how are they are going to send the message. This happens because the sender wants to send the message in a very understandable way to the receiver to understand it. This is really important to the sender because they’re sending out a message that they need a reply on by the receiver. When the message has not been said in a under stable way the receiver will misunderstand the message and will have a negative view and response, so its very important that they understand the message.
When the receiver has received the message they will go through this process.
- What is the sender trying to say by the message
- Do I understand the message that has been sent to me
- Am I actually ready to respond
- Would they be able to understand what I’m going to say to them.
- This is really important stages of communication as the receiver is actually thinking and understanding the message that has been sent to them and they are trying to dins a suitable way to send a message back to the sender so that they are going to understand.
Here’s some information what the sender and receiver job is.
- The sender will ask questions
- In many times they will give out information which is encoded
- They will receiver message
- They will think about replying also means decoded
The communication cycle will proceed through stages which the interactions involve receiving and sending a message. As I’ve explained in P2 the communication cycle I’m just going to explain on further details.
Stage 1: ideas occur
A message has occurred and a decision has to be made either to send the message this can also involve verbal or written.
Stage 2: Message decoded
The sender will have to think about in what format they can send the message so that the receiver can understand.
Stage 3: Message sent
The message has been given to the receiver that the sender has just sent
Stage 4: Message received
The message has been received but the response will depend in the position to the interpreter to the information being sent.
Stage 5: message decoded
The receiver has just received the message they will process the information that has been sent to them
Stage 6: Message understood
The message has been understood by depending on the message they are going to decided a suitable response.
(M2) Explain the specific communication needs patients or service users may have that require support, including the use of technology.
Technology: The communication device can help improve a supportive communication by enlarging letters and also it helps service users to process information using many formats. In the health and social care settings it’s very important that the technology must be appropriate to the service users or to the patients needs. They should be able to know how the device works or they should be able to know what to do if the device brakes down. The patient or service user will be supported to learn how to use the device effectively through practice. It’s very important that the people that work in the health and social care settings need to understand and also keep up to date with the new technology.
Aids and adoptions
There are many types of visual support aids available in the health and social care settings. Like computer software that helps patients or service users with reading or writing, talking books, voice translators and telecommunication devices. If any patients or service users suffer from deaf there are many hearing support aids like hearing aids and text telephones.
The hearing aids dispenser should carry out the two following hearing tests:
- Air conduction radiography this Is when a client listens to many beeps through headphones and it tells the dispenser which one they can hear.
- Bone conduction radiography this is when a client wears a special headband which it will then conduct sounds through the bones of their skull.
There are many speech support services available like feedback loops and also text translators. There is also communication support available for mental health patients individually tapes, telephones and also help lines.
Preferred language
In a health and social care settings the caring role is sup portly communication to establish what the communication needs of the client are. When a new patient has arrived to the care settings they may arrive with a communication passport that will give details of the clients preferred language or communication methods for the first language. This doesn’t always happen it’s very important to find out what the clients needs are and how can they be supported. There’s different between the client who has learned how to overcome communication differences and one which the communication skills have to be learned. This is known fact that a deaf patient that has been deaf for many years will have developed communication skills but for a new patient with a hearing lost will experience many difficulties to communicate. The patient will experience feelings of loss and also grief to over come but the person will have to overcome feelings helpless so that they can start to communicate.
In the health and social care settings the careers will have a clear idea of how patients or service users might be feeling. The job of the care is to support the client to communicate effectively and they must take account the feelings and the needs of clients. The needs of the clients can be physical, intellectual and social.
In the health and social care settings the clients are supported through good working practice and also training this ensures that the clients are empowered and also that their needs are taken into account through the care value base. The care value base ensures that the clients have the right to:
- Feel valued
- Feel secure
- Maintain dignity
- To be heard
- Be independent anywhere
For the care value base to be successful it needs to achieve through:
- Training
- Equipment that is appropriate for care
- Qualifications
- People who want to make a different to others people lives
- An ability to assist people to achieve their basic human rights.
Physical needs
In the health and social care settings physical needs may be supported by ensuring that the clients or the patients has the appropriate aid to help them. This can help the patients to use the following:
Language needs:
The communication can be supported by the case of preferred language. This is actually used to teach people the method that will vie tem the communication choices. In a language the age is a consideration this is because for example for an elderly patient who has had a heart attack it will be more effectively to use existing symbols in the form of signs rather than to teach sign language that might be difficult to learn. It’s important that people don’t become dependent on carers and also they should not be made to feel incapable.
Social needs
Social needs are met on having opportunities to communicate with people in the heath and social care settings, it’s very important to organize activities that give the patient or service users the chance to have contact with people. The health and social care settings allows patients or service users to se ether family and fiends and also they have a chance to meet new people. The best way to do this is to arrange and allow the patients or service users to see and talk toe each other. The carers in the health and social care settings provides communication skills during the day caring activities by having time to listen and also taking interest giving the chance to the service users or patients to express their physical, social emotional and intellectual feelings.
This word is used in the term of enabling persons independent through opportunities and choices and also understanding. Communication can lead people to expressing themselves positively. When people don’t communicate and not express themselves they will feel helpless. Communication provides opportunities, practice and provides choices, practice communication and also supportive environment that provides information and education to an individuals needs/.
Promotion of rights
Communication can be made easier if the individual can express their ideas and opinions without being made to feel insecure in a health and social care settings, the carers can help their clients or patients to express themselves. Every individual has a right for their views and opinions to be respected and in the same time they should respect every individual’s views and opinions. The clients should discuss how they are feeling but they need to do hat in private or talk their feelings with the person concerned.
Reference & Bibliography
Health and social care book 1
Class Notes