Touch is another ways of communication without words. When you are caring about someone you can send the message by touching the patient, affection.
The social setting and a person’s body language will usually helps to understand what their touch might mean.
You can also thing to comfort someone by holding they hand in a nice way, but they may interpret the touch as an attempt to do manatee.
Is one definition of friend people who can sit together and feel comfortable in a silence way.
Sometimes a pause in conversation can be need and make people feel embarrassed.When you do speak with people you’re tone of voice has to be calm and not loud especially as a care worker. If a care talk quickly in loud voice with a fixed tome of voice, people may see you like you are angry.
Describe the stage of the communication cycle. P2
As a care worker you should have an idea inside you’re mind how to build up any conversation with your patient or anyone.
Message Occur
As a care worker you need to thing through how you are going to say what you’re thinking inside your head, you have to put your though into language for example in the case study Ethel is 96 years old and before saying anything you will have to think also about how to bring the word out of your mouth and how to communicate with the language.
Message Sent
Care worker will speak or writ in some ways to send message for example before the message going to be send to Ethel the care worker would think about how to say it to her to understand and how she would say it.
Message Received
When a care worker is giving a message to Ethel it has to make sense they hear your words or see your symbol example care worker have to speak a bit loud with a good tone of voice for Ethel to understand properly because of her age she might have hearing problem so any word from care workers has to make sense.
Message Decoded
It means interpret your message, what you have said. It will not be easy to interpret your words and your body language toward Ethel has to be positive because she is old and might not understand anything especially if she is from different country English might be different for her to understand and she needs to have an interpreter with her all the time.
Message Understand
If every think goes well then the patient worker will understand but this does not always happen first time.
When Ethel will receive the message by understanding the question she will respond and after that Ethel will reacts to the question verbally or by facial expression by saying “yes” by mouth or “yes” by shaking her head up and down.
Describe factors that may influence communication and interpersonal interaction with particular references to health and health care P3
Preferred Spoken Language
Samir prefer spoken language is Urdu because his from Indian and he is struggling with English because is not his first language and because of his learning disability it might be very difficult for him to learn English. For Samir partially sighted disability this is going to need a use of sighs and symbols and Braille’s for his needs and it will help him very much.
Service users are vulnerable people. Many service user do not have the emotional security that comes from a clear sense of identify and a high level of self-esteem and a positive self-image, because his vision is effecting his self-esteem and it effecting him by not want to communicate with anyone around him and that will put him down again.Aggresive responses may damage a service user self-esteem.
People with disability often experience barriers associated with all of the problems some practical ideas for addressing barriers involve disabilities. Ethel might have disabilities problem because of her age she might not know how to spell, write and even stand up by her self, she is beginning to be ill.
Written Communication
When people remembers conversation they had, they will probably miss some details out and also change some details. Patient some time might not remember all conversation they had with anyone specially when they are getting old in age, the memory start to be low by forgetting thing very quickly that the same case we have with Ethel and have age which she is 96 years old.
Identify how workers can assist Samir in his communication skills. P4
The workers can assist Samir in his communication by giving him the right needs and helping him to speak English around everyone, they should take one interpreter to show Samir English and translate his need to the workers for them to be able to understand his personal right.
The workers have to do they best for Samir to try and forget his first language and to only speak English like everyone else and to have English friend around him all the time but because Samir is six year old it will be easy for him to get use to the new language and his parent have to talk to him in English at home, try to forget Urdu.
The service workers needs to provide speech therapists for Samir needs because it for people with speech, language and others communication problem for Samir case they will really need to help him on the language part and the speech therapists help them to improve Samir case to communication abilities.
Service workers need to get him a counsellors to spend his time listening and to build an understanding of Samir needs and problems.
The service workers will then work within a particular psychological model in order to support Samir to change or develop some aspect of his life.
The service worker will have to work hard because Samir can not read some verbal-communication because of his facial expressions so therefore they need to show him how to read the alphabetic word, and his parent or guardian has to make sure that Samir wears glasses for him to be able to read far away and see thing without approaching near.
Describe two interactions that they have participated in, in the role of a carer, using communication skills to assist patient/service users.P5
On my one to one conversation with the staff we were talking about how babies develop quickly and how fast they learn how to walk.
Our one to one conversation was really good and interesting because they help me find out more of the place and about children’s too, it was really necessary to have this conversation. I was also assisting the staff and manager meeting just to see if they were having informal or formal language with each other which i find out one day that it was formal language to each other because they shows respect for other.
The manager which her name was Rachel was always taking to children with formal language but staff was using the informal language with children. The nursery had lot of children age of 3-8 years old children’s and all of them when they talk they use informal language because they are children and the do not know how yet to use a proper language.
My group discussion with children was all about how the find the nursery, how big the nursery is, and asking them play together with the toys and every single of them use to cry when it comes for bed time, because the do not like to sleep when it afternoon after having the lunch they find it boring they say.
I use to have good formal language with them just for them to get use to it and be able to talk in a proper ways at home or between them.
W3hen you are working in a health and social care setting you will have to use the formal language all the time and using the formal language shown that you really have lot respect for others
Review the effectiveness of own communication skills in the two interactions undertaken.P6
I really had good relationships with all the staff and the children my work experience nursery. Some time when I didn’t understand any think that was going on in their staff use to explain to me, for me to understand.
my communication with one girl their which her name was Christine, was really bad sometime because we wasn’t getting a long some times because she had a bad attitude toward me every time when I play or sit next to children she always has to give me bad eye. One day I had enough of her and I went to tell the manager that we wasn’t getting a long with Christine and she had to change Christine to the other side of the nursery because the have two nursery.
It was really effecting me been next to anyone in their which I did not know at first or talking to anyone who works their in my work experience because I just used to thing that everyone in their did not want me there. The manager really liked me because of my character was always positive toward everyone and I also had good communication skills with children and staff. The other thing was really effecting me was that because I did not had my confident by talking to everyone around their, because I did not want anyone to treat me bad. At first wasn’t really comfortable been around everyone in Sir Michael nursery where I was for my work experience because I was new and did not find anyone suitable to talk to at first.
i really find it hard to be around little children and that really effect me too, I was always scared to be left alone with children or touching them because I use to thing anything bad can happen and I might be responsible the matters so I use to ask one staff which I really get along with her which her name was Rachel to stay with me just for me to get use to it. These are the thing was effecting my communication skills with everyone in their.
Explain and describe the stage of the communication cycle, how the difficult and sensitive news-the MR Abramovich is to go into a nursing home-could be given to him. M1
Ideas Occur
As a care worker I would have to have an idea of how to tell Mr Abramovich what his daughter has said to us in the hospital how to bring it up of my mouth in a positive way.
Message coded
I would have to think of a way am going to approach Mr Abramovich to talk to him in a formal ways and not informal. The reason why I have to talk to him in a formal language is because I he need to understand properly what it has been said.
I will have to let him know that he can be release to go home soon and I will have to tell and explain him that he will have to be going to the care home to leave there and when his going to ask me a question like why? I will have to explain very Cleary to him that his daughter can not look after him no longer in a positive way. I would have to tell him know that his daughter will start coming to visit him sometime. When am going to be talking to him I will have to be careful if the way am talking because he can take it in a negative way and that can affect his self-esteem.
Message Sent
I have to make sure the message is sent and understood properly.
I will have to make sure when I spoke to Mr Abramovich he understood me in a positive ways and ask me question on the word that he did not understand for me to try and have an interpreter if I can not talk to him, because this is a sensitive issues I will have to deal with it very properly and I will prefer announcing the new to him by myself without anyone else there, that is showing some respect to him and I will make sure that the conversation stays between me and him unless him want to share it with other staff to support him.
Message Perceived
I have to make sure that what I said Mr Abramovich had any sense and that he hears my words when I was talking to him. When talking to my patient I have to speak with low tone of voice and slowly for my patient to understand me.
When am going to be talking to Mr Abramovich I will have to watch his body language to see if his negative ort positive ways and if his body language his negative then I will straight know that his not happy and if his happy with what I just told him then he will tell me of what he think.
Mr Abramovich will now be aware of the situation and be ready to meet new people in the care home.
Message Decoded
If I can not communicate with my patient I will have to make sure he has a interpret to translate in his language which is not English. The body language has to be perfect.
When am going to be talking to my service user I will have to make sure that my body language is good in a positive way to make Mr Abramovich to feel comfortable around me and to talk to me by pressing him self to me of what he think of the situation I have told him.
Message Understood
If all goes well then my ideas will be understood but this does not always happen first time. My patient will answer me by shaking his head or by verbal.
I will have to make sure that my client is aware of what I just said and that he understand and pick up non-verbal message that I may have send
Explain how the communication cycle may be used to communicate difficult complex and sensitive issues.M1
Some communication between people is simply about sharing or transmitting information example someone might want to know what way does the bus 136 to hackney goes for them to catch it or they might ask for a drink of water.
A great deal of communication in health& social care involves building an understanding of her person and providing emotional support. Working in health and social care you need to care about advice and information that is likely to be helpful in the situation above but many people does want someone to be with them. Communication in any situation may be on emotional needs than the transmission of information .As a career sometimes just being with a patient who is lonely, anxious or depressed can provide comfort, if the patient believes that staff are concern about them by just knowing that the staff are near them every time it help them to feel supported. The non- verbal communication may sometimes communicate emotional and feelings more effectively than words.
Barriers to emotional communication
Care workers can also be feeling very stress by the emotional needs of the patient listening to many patient will involve hearing about frightening and depressing situations, sometime carers doesn’t like listening to patient problem to avoid unpleasant emotional feelings.
Tiredness or desire to avoid emotional stress can create a barrier to providing caring communication. The important that health& social care worker can work out if a situation or whether or more sensitive.
Barriers associated with personality and psychological needs
Building an understanding of another person and establishing a caring presence can be very difficult where the personality or self-esteem needs of another person create a barrier. Many people who are having stress experience negative thought that just come to them, to understand these through and feelings may feel like hitting a brick wall. It can feel as if there is an emotional barrier that prevent the person from experience any positive emotional.
Barriers associated with cultural differences
Culture refers to the different customs and assumptions that communities of people adopt. Different ethnic and religious groups may have different cultures.
Words and non-verbal communication can be interpreted differently depending on the context and on the culture of the person using them, example hot can have different meaning depend on the context in which it is used and the culture of the person using it. In a normal word hot refers to having high temperature, but in other speech communicative an object might be hot if it has been stolen or if it is perceived as very desirable.
Explain the specific communication needs patient service user may have that require support, including the use of technology M2
There are ranges of service that may assist people to communication o help to remove the barriers to effective communication.
Interpreters and translators
Interpreters are who communicate meaning from one language to another. The support can be given to patient when they are stuck with English for example.
Lot of patient in the UK they first language are not English, the hospital need to have interpreters to translates the patient language, that is supporting service user with they need which will be on the language barriers
Sign language
The death patient also need help, the way for them to talk is by using sign language. When death patient are talking they need to use sign language for staff to respond it will be by using sign language to them back. People who understand them and them individual needs have to accept them the way the are because that is the only way they can communicate with people.
The death associated campaign for the right of death people to be educated in BSL and to access information and services through BSL.
Many death people arguing that the death communication is a linguistic and cultural minority and is not measured in medical terms.
Braille is a system of raised marks that can be felt with the finger provides a system of written communication bases on the sense of starch for people who have limited vision. The communication system is now widely adopted as the form of writing and reading used by people who cannot see written script.
Staffs have to help people who use Braille because it the only way the can read or communicate by showing picture using the finder.
Supporting communication involves building an understanding of the service user needs through effective reflective listening skills. It may also be important to us warm friend non-verbal behaviour that express interest in another person such as;
- Effective eye contact
- Relaxed and calm body posture
- Appropriate nice tone of voice
Analyse how communication in health and social care setting assists patient/service use and other key people D1
Communication in health and social care setting assists patients by knowing how to act toward them, using nice usual tone of voice for the patient to be close and to have open relationship with staff.
The staff need to assist the patient by giving them they individual needs that each patient need. Staff needs to assist patient with the personal problem which they doesn’t feel comfortable to tell their family maybe or anyone else, if the patient is having stress the staff be giving the right decision on what hey should be assisting their needs by communication. Giving the right need to service user also assist their communication by been open with any feeling that they have inside them.
The staff have t assist the patient in language need also because some patient English isn’t the first language and the really needs help. The organisation needs to assist the patient by having interpreter every time to be able to communicate properly. The organisation which is the hospital need to provide the very best need to every patient which is by assisting them with any thing that the can even if is very personal, assisting the service user with the family background is also good in same way because some people can be very ill because of what is going on in their family and can not deal with it.
When the organisation is assisting all patient like the suppose too, it will build-up the trust and self-esteem in them self and they confident will also grow inside them.
By doing all this is the ways of assisting all needs that patient need in the health and social care setting.