Describe the potential effects of discriminatory practice on those who use health or social care services

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Describe the potential effects of discriminatory practice on those who use health or social care services. (P3)

David as an individual using the health service is certainly being discriminated against. The discrimination in which David is experiencing is certainly a breach of contract on behalf of the health care professional. The contract in which was broken was the Care value base, which states that as a professional you must maintaining confidentiality of information, promoting and supporting individuals rights to dignity, independence and safety, protecting individuals from abuse, providing individualised care and promoting effective communication and relationships. As a health care professional they had no right in which to go on to discuss David’s situation in such a way that was not professional neither did it maintain his confidentiality as it was discussed across a waiting room. They did not acknowledge his dignity safety or independence as they were unaware as to what may happen out of the work place or what abuse whether it be physical or mental David would experience which links in with protecting an individual from abuse and neither did they provide individual care towards David and recognise his diagnosis and treat him upon this. There was no relationship built between this health care professional and David on which he could trust his information to be kept private or for their communication between the two of them to be understood to help benefit their relationship.

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The potential effects of this discrimination can go on to include Marginalisation, Disempowerment, Low self-esteem and self-identity and even negative behaviours including aggression and criminality.

Marginalisation will come in to context should anyone discover David’s diagnosis of HIV, this will mean that David is placed outside of social acceptance and won’t feel that he belongs or even has a participation within society. This kind of discrimination is likely to mean that David is excluded from activities in which others take part in this will solely be because of David’s sexuality and his diagnosis of HIV.

Disempowerment makes David as an individual ...

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This essay discusses the effects on the individual of someone discovering that they were HIV positive. Although the effects are well written and discussed, it does not really deal with the aspect of discrimination in the work place correctly. It could be enhanced by explaining the case study better and understanding discrimination in a little more detail. This would allow a more thorough explanation and improve the essay. ***