Development from conception to age 16.

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Unit 2 - Development from Conception to Age 16 YearsE1Social development is learning the skills to communicate with other people becoming independent and learning to do things on their own as they get older. Emotional development is the growth of feelings and the ability to express and control your feelings; it is also about developing your self esteem/self image. Children go through all different stages of development. In the very first year the child's first relationship is with the mother, who they make an instant connection with and then perhaps with the father because in the first year children only form a bond with the immediate family and maybe with others such as grandparents, aunties or uncles, depending on their location and the frequency of their visits, and also it depends on their social background. At around 8 months they also develop a fear of strangers, they show this by getting really upset. At 15 months children are very changeable in their emotions and can be unstable, for example throwing toys when angry. They tend to show off but do not react very well to getting told off. They can also help dress and undress themselves. At 2 years children have temper tantrums over little things, also making choices can prove very difficult for children at this stage because they want it both ways, and they enjoy doing household tasks and imitating adults, for example, toileting their teddy or feeding their dolls. At 3 years of age they start calling themselves 'I' and have a set of feelings about themselves and see themselves as they think others see them. They also want the approval of adults and adopt the attitudes and feelings of adults. They show affections for younger siblings and can share things. They are also able to go toilet themselves and can wash their hands. During this short time children develop at a very fast rate, but they can only do this with the love and support of others and their experience through social interactions. On the other hand, if a child, from an early age have no contact with any human being and is raised with no love or social interactions it can have serious consequences. An example of this is with the rare cases of feral children. A feral child is a human child who has lived isolated from human contact from young age and who had none or very little experience of social or emotional behaviour. The Meggit childcare and education book (2006) states, ‘Children who have grown up without other people do not seem to show the kind of social behaviour we think of as human; they do not make human sounds, smile, use eye contact or walk like humans.’ (Page 356) The child has normally survived due to certain animals taking care of the child as their own. So the child has grown up with no human language and a lack of self-awareness, making the child more animal than human. The child is often able to recover and have a normal life although in serious cases the child can never fully recover.E2Intellectual development is the way that we learn to think and store information. Intellectual development is linked to cognitive development, although they are not necessarily the same thing. Cognitive development is about the way our thought processes develop. It is the process of thinking and organising information. Cognitive development consists of 6 main areas, imagination, concentration, creativity, problem solving, concepts, and memory. Children go through all different stages of development. Between the ages of 3-4 years the child should be able to count to ten objects with support, name three shapes and also know their primary colour (e.g. red, yellow, and blue). At 5
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years the child should be able to name eight colours, counts by rote up to 20, name five textures (e.g. soft, furry, hard, smooth, etc) and name the times of the day, for example bedtime, dinnertime. At age 6 children should be able to count by rote to 100, can name the days of the week in order, can print own name and can tell the month and day of their own birthday, etc.E3In childcare there are many different theorists and theories to explain the different behaviours and attributes displayed whilst growing up. There are 4 main theories of development ...

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Star rating 4 This assignment covers social, emotional and physical development of children aged 0 to 6 years. Strengths of the assignment include the links to practice through the observations made, for example in the evidence for D1, D2 and E7. Reliability and validity of observations have also been covered well in order to achieve B1. However, some areas lack the specific detail needed in order to pass a criterion, for example E2, E3 and E8. Nevertheless, with minimal amendments using the feedback provided, this assignment could achieve a B grade, as long as a bibliography is also provided.