It is important to be empathetic and be able to place yourself in someone else’s position and feel how they feel if you were in their position, this is more important if the individual are using health and social care services. The service giver should be able to feel and see things in the same way as the individual should. Sometimes it can’t be easy to place yourself in that position because you may have not experienced what they have gone through which can make it hard to place yourself in their position. Empathy is shown by the way the service giver speaks and the words they use to the service user.
Another ethical consideration is honesty; it should always be followed in a health and social care environment. Honesty is important because it is one of the ways in which people judge you, being known as an honest person is one of the highest honours an individual can achieve in life. Being honest to an homeless individual in important because they may not be able to trust anyone so to have someone that they can trust can make a difference because they will be able to talk about personal things with a service giver.
Service givers to follow the adherence to the codes and practices, the codes are the first statutory codes of practice for the service givers. The codes provide a clear guide for everyone who works in a health and social care setting, these set out the standards of conduct that the service givers should meet every day. People from the public will also know the conduct and the practice to expect. There are two codes of conduct.
- The Code of Practice for Social Care Workers sets out the standards of professional conduct and practice required of social care workers.
- The Code of Practice for Employers of Social Care Workers sets out the responsibilities of employers in the regulation of social care workers.
The codes are important because they are a key part in an health and social care environment, they are to help improve the levels of conduct and protect the public. The codes are for anyone who works in a health and social care setting whether it’s voluntary, statuary or private.
A lot of individuals who use health and social care services do not have the confidence to express their thoughts and feelings and to help them a service giver uses the appropriate language and communication skills to help them express their thoughts and feelings. The service giver should use active listening skills to show the service user respect and show that the service giver values them. This is called provision of active support to enable individuals that use service’s to communicate their needs, views and preferences.
It is important to communicate effectively with a service user and if there are barriers then they need to be overcome. Effective communication is important to help the service user recover from experiences that may have an influence on them and to show the service user respect and to have their individual needs and the rights that need to be met. It is important that the service giver actively listen to the service user because it will help to use the communication to support diversity, inclusion and promote equality of opportunity.
It is important for service givers to use confidentiality when working in a health and social care setting because it is vital that information about a service user secure and private. When going to include more people in the situation it is important to ask the service user if it is alright to have other people knowing the information about them but it is important at some times if information is passed on because if there is important issues .Although when information about a service users can be shared in some circumstances when sharing information the rule of confidentiality needs to be preserved and not passed on to individuals who do not need it.
When a worker of a health and social care setting they should always ask permission to have the right to give information about a service user and let other people know things about the service user. When passing on information about another’s life it is wrong to do it without that person even if it’s the date that they were born. Disclosure should only happen when the service user has given permission to share the information. It is important that when disclosure happens certain people such as health and social care workers have a need to know about the service users and need to be kept up to date with the service user’s information. When disclosure isn’t permitted then it is called a breach of confidentiality has happened.
When recording information about service users it is important to be accurate because it can be a health and safety regulation as it can cause service users being in danger. The records that are not accurate can lead to the incorrect medicine being used, missed appointments, and maybe even death. It is important that communicating with different people from different situations and backgrounds that the service givers understand and use written communication to record the information. The information should be checked and recorded carefully. Files of service users can be kept manually and electronically but whatever the way in which the files are stored it is important that the files are correctly and securely filed away so that they remain confidentially. When the information is needed it is important that is can be retrieved easily. It is important to file information bout service users correctly and securely.
The principles and values above relate to being respected because when we value someone that has life experience and we value their views and opinions. The attitudes we display towards them shows respect because we address them in a respectful manor. We also maintain their privacy with confidentiality, all this relates to the principles and values because a lot of the principles and values need to have respect incorporated in them. We use respect when communicating with individual that use the services because we value them and it builds trust for the service user with service giver and includes enables provision of active support to enable individuals that use service’s to communicate their needs, views and preferences. You need to communicate in a way that the service user and yourself can understand and record information about the service users correctly and securely. It is important that the service user is respectful of the service giver because the service is trying to help the service user. When being empathetic it is important to be respectful as well because you are putting yourself in someone else’s position so it is important to respect what the service user has been through. When including the right to life in respect it is important to respect other people’s views on the right to life such as someone thinking it is wrong to have an abortion under any circumstances other individuals who disagree will have to respect their opinions of abortion. It is also important to respect the code of practice because it is what the health and social care services have to go by. The codes are a clear guide for health and social care workers that are the standards of conduct that the workers need to meet every day, respect is needed because the service users’ needs to let the health and social care workers do their jobs and follow the codes properly.
Everyone should be able to communicate in a way that meets their and takes into account of their choices this relates to the other principles and values as service users have the right to communicate in their preferred way of communication. Having a good relationship with someone through using effective ways of communication, it is one of the ways in which service users feel that their opinions and views are valued and that they are respected. When having a person-centred approach it is important to communicate in a way that meets the service users preferred use of communication because the service user needs to be in the centre of the care and support and needs to understand what kind of support they are getting. Empathy is used as a preferred way of communication because the service workers are putting themselves in the position of the service user; this is conveyed by communicating to the service user in a way that they understand and to see and feel things as they do.
Being safeguarded from danger and harm is important as any service users need to be protected from any danger or harm that may cause a hazard or pose a risk to them. It relates to the other principles and values because all the principles and values have an influence on the service user physically and intellectually. It is important that anyone is protected from having their life taken away from them and protected from danger and harm. Any service users should live in a society where social justice is achieved. It relates to social justice because all service users’ needs to be in an environment where justice is achieved and somewhere where they can be safe. They also need to be safeguarded from danger and harm such as discrimination because of ethnic background or life experience; it can affect them in all sorts of ways. It is important to feel safe away from danger and harm. Individuals have many rights and these rights include to be protected from harm and danger, to be out of harm or danger means to keep your information in confidentiality and too looked after you in a good orderly manner.
Every service user need to be treated equally and not discriminated against because all service users are equally no matter the colour of skin or ethnic, cultural background.