Explain six potential hazards that could be found in a health and social care setting

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P1 – Explain six potential hazards that could be found in a health and social care setting.

  1. Kitchen Cutlery (safety) :

 Any sharp cutlery (knives, folks e.t.c) that is given out to the service users should always be returned to the careers as soon as the service user has finished using the cutlery because if they’re are left with the cutlery, this can come as a huge hazard to the service user if they keep the cutlery. It can be a hazard to some of the service users who are suicidal as they will use this cutlery to harm themselves.

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  1. Access to Medication (health) :

If any medication is left outside the medication room/locker, this can be a hazard to any of the service users because they will be able to get unauthorized access to the medication and they will abuse the medication which may result in the service user harming themselves. To avoid this hazard, the any medication should always be locked up to reduce any risk of the service users harming themselves.

  1. Wet Floors (Safety) :

If the cleaners clean the floor with any liquids and the floor is left still wet, ...

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This is a good essay but a little descriptive in places where it would help to expand a little. The writer could extend the work by discussing how the hazards would be a danger to the client users. ***