Explaining how legislation, police and procedures are used to promote health, safety and security.

Explaining how legislation, police and procedures are used to promote health, safety and security.
The ways that the Health and Safety legislation are used to promote health, safety and security in the working environment is by ensuring that all workers and managers promote the health and safety legislation to provide protection for service providers and the public. Also, carry out and providing the workplace with risk assessments and making sure that workers are taking great care of themselves as well as the servicer users.
Also, Health and Safety act promotes health, safety and security is by making sure that the work place is kept safe and without any risks taking place in working environment and provide clear information and training to employees so they have a good knowledge of keeping themselves and service user from harm. Providing health and safety training to that service user can promote understanding and knowledge of the issue surrounding of risk. Put into practice the health and safety procedures that are found in the risk assessment and using and putting way dangerous substances with care so that service user and provider are not harmed.