
Ryan Frieler

Mrs. Ewert-Knodell

Drugs and Health


Heroin Abuse

Even though heroin abuse has been on a downward trend in the pat few years, it’s still more common today than in the early 90’s.  The trend also seems to support that the new users are younger than ever.  The article “Heroin Abuse and Addiction,” by the National Institute on Drug Abuse is a great reference on the dangers that heroin can impose on a user.  The main points of the article that we will look at are: what is it, how it’s used, long term and short term effects, medical complications, and treatments for addiction.

        Heroin is part of the opiate family.  It is derived from morphine, which is extracted from the seed pods on the poppy plant.  Morphine is sold as a powder or as a sticky black substance known as “black tar.”  Morphine is often cut with sugars, starches, and sometimes even poisons.  Potency of heroin has been on a rise in recent years, this has put users even more at risk for overdose or even death.

Heroin can be smoked, sniffed/snorted, or injected.  Heroin can be injected in two ways: intravenously or intramuscularly.  Injection is the most popular form use today; although, with rising potencies and the decrease in cost, many users have switched to sniffing or snorting it.  This form of use has attracted a wider variety of people and age groups to use heroin, particularly the young adults.

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Shortly after heroin is taken, it crosses the blood brain barrier.  It is then converted to morphine and binds with the opioid receptors.  This causes the sensation of a “rush.” and begins the onset of the short term effects.  The user’s respiration becomes depressed and their mental functioning becomes clouded.  During the “high,” the user’s body suppresses pain and nausea or vomiting may occur.

The long term effects of heroin use in chronic users are detrimental to their health.  Infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis B and C can be obtained through dirty needles.  Substances that don’t dissolve can ...

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