I will evaluate the effectiveness of how multidisciplinary work for patients, I will state what the multidisciplinary team is and its strengths and weaknesses.

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D2- In this task I will evaluate the effectiveness of how multidisciplinary work for patients, I will state what the multidisciplinary and it’s strengths and weaknesses. I will also looking look at a MDT who work within the health and social care setting and state how this MDT is helping its patients.

Multi-agency working is the bringing together of different professionals who work together, providing their own service and sharing their information.  There are many benefits of multi-agency working which includes: information sharing; sharing of skills, knowledge and expertise; the fostering of shared decision-making, shared ownership and shared responsibility particularly in drawing up joint procedures and strategies.

Strengths and weakness of multidisciplinary for service users

Now I will talk about what I think are the weakness and strength of the multidisciplinary team MDT.

One strength of multidisciplinary for the service users is that they get to have the best health care services as they have professionals from various backgrounds working with them. Having different professionals who are there to work and share information together until their patients are in better health is a very good benefit for service users. However this can also be a weakness as sometimes service users do not want their information being passed around or shared, this can sometimes be a barrier for the multidisciplinary team.

Another multidisciplinary strength is all ideas and decisions about the treatment plans for the patients are discussed between every member of the team before any decision is made also the MDT include the patients in that discussion also. E.g. a doctor may make a suggestion that is harmful to the service user occupations needs, this suggestion will be discuss with other member of the team and one of the team member will deflect this suggestion as they already information and they know that this suggestion can not be made because it could cause harm to the service user. This information sharing, meeting discussions is really good because if MDT’s didn’t meet or didn’t have any kind of discussing between them while they are working together, a great amount of harm can be caused.

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Another thing that I consider MDT strength is that since they work together as team which means that more than one person in involved, minimal information such medications patients can ad cannot have or what they are allergic to cannot be missed. This really does benefit the service users as this show everyone is praying close attention to information’s they are being given about the patients.

Another MDT strength is that since information are being shared; the patients healthcare will never stop when the doctor in charge for that patient is not there. In other words just because a member ...

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