Identify and explain methods of prevention a named communicable disease and named non-communicable disease. Strokes and tuberculosis.

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Karlie Jane Whitmore

P6- identify appropriate methods of prevention/control for a named communicable disease and named non-communicable disease

M3- explain appropriate methods of prevention/control for a named communicable disease and named non-communicable disease

D2 evaluate the effectiveness of methods of protecting public health for the two named diseases

In this essay I will be looking at two well known diseases, one of which is communicable and the other non-communicable, and providing general information about each of them, like what they are, how they are spread e.t.c. Most importantly I will be both identifying and explaining the different methods which are used to prevent and control these deadly diseases. I will also evaluate how effective these methods are providing facts and figures to support their outcomes and weighing up the strengths and weaknesses of each method.

Non-communicable disease: Stroke

I am firstly going to discuss a very common non-communicable disease, a stroke. It is non-communicable as it cannot be spread. I will provide you with some general information about the disease itself. Every five minutes someone in the UK has a stroke, that’s an estimated 150,000 people per year. It’s a fairly common condition that is the third biggest killer in the UK. Most people affected by a stroke are over the age 65, but anyone can have a stroke, including children. With a stroke every seconds counts, and the sooner the problem is diagnosed the less chance there is of the individual dying or suffering long-term disability.

A stroke is also known as a cerebrovascular attack (CVA) or a cerebrovascular episode (CVE). A stroke is a brain attack that occurs because there is the rapidly developing loss of brain function due to an interruption in the blood supply to the brain. Blood carries essential nutrients and oxygen to the brain so without a blood supply the brain cells in that area become damaged or destroyed and aren’t able to carry out their function. The brain is the control centre of the whole body so when there is damage to it the rest of the bodily functions are also affected. There are two types of strokes, these are, ischaemic which occurs when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel or artery. The second is a Haemorrhagic stroke where a blood vessel bursts causing a bleed within the brain.

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There are common signs and symptoms which can help to recognise whether an individual has suffered from a stroke, the most common are; face drops, weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech and vomiting. If these signs and symptoms disappear within a few minutes or hours then it is possible the individual may have suffered from a transient ischaemic attack (TIA) also called a mini-stroke. There are many factors which can increase the risk of someone having a stroke, these are; smoking, high blood pressure, heart disease, age and diabetes. In order ...

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Star rating of 3 This assignment has been written to cover P6, M3 and D2 of unit 12 on public health of the 2007 specification. Stroke and TB have been used as the two named disorders. To achieve P6 appropriate methods of prevention/control for the two disorders need to be identified. For both stroke and TB a number of appropriate methods have been identified. To achieve M3 the methods need to be explained. There is some explanation present of the identified methods; stroke is better explained but just one resource has been used. TB is less well explained as only one method is explained and other important methods of prevention and control are missing or written using inappropriate research. The assignment lacks evaluation of the effectiveness of the methods for lifestyle changes for stroke as weaknesses are minimally explained and one prevention method has not been covered at all. There is no appropriate evaluation for TB. There is no referencing present within the assignment nor a reference list / bibliography.