Identify key aspects of legislation and guidelines relevant to the prevention and control of infection in health and social care settings.

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Danielle Walton-Rivers – Unit 39: Infection prevention and control

P4, M2, D1

P4 – Identify key aspects of legislation and guidelines relevant to the prevention and control of infection in health and social care settings.

M2 – Explain the role of organisational procedures in the prevention and control of infection in health and social care settings.

D1 – Assess how the suggested measure to manage an outbreak of infection meet the legal requirements and guidelines for the prevention and control of infection in health and social care settings.

The public health act 1984

The public health act (control of disease) was written in 1984, it has become a big part of infection control and is about reporting infectious or contagiousness diseases or illnesses, this has been made a legal requirement to report them, the local authority will need to know about this; this is so that the information can be passed on to the Health Protection agency and then there can be an investigation on where the infection came from and how to prevent other people getting the infection. If infections aren’t report there could be a massive epidemic and the doctor or health practitioner could be disciplined.

Health and safety at work act 1974

The health and safety at work at was brought in, in 1974 and it’s the main pierce of legislations that employers must use, it focuses on how people can reduce the risk of harm and states that professionals need to carry out risk assessments of places and introduce health and safety policies. This act is very important in health and social care; it stated to reduce risks professionals need to look at all risks and write a risk assessment.

Professionals need to incorporate this into the service, in some places there is health and safety managers, also this act encourages people to carry out risk assessments, and look at what are the major ways people could become harmed, The health and safety effects care though assigned staff having to carry out risk assessments, and they say what the service is putting in place to protect people in the environment e.g. keeping wires out the way, stopping intruders from entering the main building where children may be.

Control of substances hazardous to health (cosh) 2002

COSHH is the control of substances hazardous to health, it was brought in to reduce the risk of substances effecting someone’s health, it’s in place to ensure that all members of staff follow procedures and know how to minimum risk to service users and professionals.

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All staff need to know procedures of this, and this would be vital in health care settings e.g. hospitals, this is because if there was something like a spread of infection or gasses being leaked into a building staff will need to know what to do as there are vulnerable people and this could be hazardous to their health.

Food safety act 1990

The food safety act was brought into give people the ability to inspect food and check the standard of food and see if it’s up to standard for people to consume. There are often inspections ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay

This is a good essay, particularly the second half that discusses how disease and infection can be prevented from spreading. The writer could enhance the essay by trying to link a few of the areas together. A few more examples in the first part of the essay would really help raise the level of the work. ***