Legislation to protect children and young people from harm

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Jenneh Kandeh    Unit 10   Ms Garner Task 2   Legislation to protect children and young people from harm

This task enables me to be able to show my understanding about legislation, policies and procedures to protect children and young people from harm.

The legislation for the protection of children and young people from harm are:

  • United  nations convention on the rights of the child (1989)
  • The children’s Act (1998)
  • Data  protection Act (1998)
  • Framework for the assessment of children in need and their parents (2000)
  • Leaving  care Act (2000)
  • Every child matters ~ green paper (2003)
  • ECM- frame work for children Act (2004)
  • Safeguarding OF Children and Vulnerable  Group’s Act 2006

Britain is proud of it origin in promotion of children’s right and they make sure that they develop their own act and also put the UN and EU legislation.  In England the (GSCC) General Social Care Council regulates the social service workforce and their education and also training.

  • United  Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)

This is the international agreement for the members countries of the United Nations to agree to implement laws and also  procedures in their own countries (which 191 countries ) have agreed to return to their own countries and put the convention to practise however not all countries have agreed to do so ‘‘USA included. The main aim of the convention is to improve on international rights and also to support and care for children world wide. The convention set basic and minimum standards for all children to the age of 18. Every law is called article and there are 54 of them. the cover survival  which is ‘‘life, clean water food and health care, development, right to be loved, cared for, learn and play, protection from war, abuse, neglect and violence and participation’’ which is the right to a name and citizenship development. Article 12 for example says that you have to consult with the child for all aspect of their care. At the same time the EU and UK has been developing on their own legislation for this at the same time which came in to practise in 1989.

  • The children’s Act (1989)

This is the first major piece of legislation that is aimed at children and their safety since the Second World War, this aimed for the safety and also the care of the children. This is mainly aimed at young children but covers others too. This law said that the child’s and there needs are the most important one. The law also gives guidance to adults about the amount of children for care and also the size of the room for them to play and the health and safety guidance. Any other children’s legislation is built upon this one.

  • Every Child Matters- frame work for children Act (2004)

This is aim at the way children are being care for. This act states that before any carer can care for a child, they would have to meet up with the minimum standard set up for children which includes education, clothes, shelter and they are not going through any form of harm like emotion abuse or sexual. The act make sure that adults looking after children in provision are able to put the procedures into practise, there are differences among policies and procedures in a way a child is being cared for from harm. Policies are the laid down law that have to be followed by every carer whiles procedure are the step by step actions that are to be taken in s child’s care in other for them not to be victims of harm; if the law is not being followed by the carer they would face the law. All agencies like social work, police and child nurse should work together in the interest of a young person due to their vulnerability. The main aim of these organisation should be to improve the child’s live and in other for it to be achieve their should be effective communication and cooperation, if a child is being abused by one of the parent it’s the responsibility for these organisation to take quick action on what way they can help the child without falling into the wrong arms. The development and growth of the child should be the first to consider.

  • Every Child Matters ~ green paper (2003)

This is a green paper which means that it in the process of becoming a law which later becomes Every Child Matters 2004 and it was developed because professionals were not working together effectively, poor work and the overlap of services and also there are not any understandings between these professionals of their roles and their skills affecting the multi-disciplinary work. The other thing is the high number of children that have being abused or death cases and also the number of children offending and also being excluded from school. For example if you take a child away from everything they feel scared, psychological damage.

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  • Data  Protection Act (1998)

          This is any information paper, computer about children, young people and families. It set out            the different types of information on how it should be held or shared among others. This act covers who access the information and also the right of the people to see what is held about them. for example when a young person or child report a case of abuse to the police or the social worker it is very important that such child identity is being protected so that the abuser ...

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