Life stages . Aging - In this assignment I am going to assess the influence of the activity theory and the disengagement theory on social care provision.

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 1K, Development through the life stages, D2, Aging

Ageing D2

In this assignment I am going to assess the influence of the activity theory and the disengagement theory on social care provision. There are many different services that are available in health and social care such as, Residential homes, bus passes, home help and day centres. All these services are put in place to help and support the older people.

 Residential homes offer somewhere to stay, help with dressing and bathing. They also provide meals. If a person cannot afford to live in their own property a residential home provides them security.  Support in residential homes are available all through the day and the night. They support emotional and physical needs of the elderly. Bus passes are made available to the elderly so that they can travel and get about without fretting about money. Older people are offered this service because the money they get each week (pension) is probably just enough for their living for example to buy food, clothes and bills. Home help is way of offering support and care to vulnerable people to support them so they can stay in their own homes and live independently for as long as they can. This kind of help includes help with washing, cleaning, and dressing. Additionally helping to cook, giving medication and helping with the shopping. The carers will talk to the older people and try to help with any problems they may have. Carers are there to make the person feel comfortable and if the person has no other family they at least have the carer to talk to and socialise with as a companion. Day centres include activities throughout the day such as cooking, discussions, and exercise and many more activities that involve the older people to help them hold on to their independence. These centres are also good for the older people to socialise and talk to others. There will be advice from professional people if the older people have any problems with housing or money. This kind of service will improve the persons self -esteem and confidence because the people know that there will be someone there to help if they need it and to assist them.  

All these services are helpful as they all offer support and help to the vulnerable people so that they can live their lives daily they are there to create a comfortable, optimistic atmosphere.

I am now going to explain the barriers to these services and also how these services help people to stay active.

 Most services in health and social care settings help people to be active. More people are living longer due to these services and our good public health.  More and more people are taking part in healthy lifestyles and living longer. Most health and social care provisions urge the older people to remain active because it betters the body’s functioning and boost image and self- esteem.

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Doctors’ surgeries, community centres and hospitals will have leaflets and posters with information on revealing how to stay active and will show activities and exercises that older people can do in order to keep healthy. There are several places that older people can go to, to support this healthy lifestyle.

 I believe that these services help people to be involved in activities rather than pushing them away and disengaging them as these services are encouraging.

Policies and procedures have changed over the years, giving older people more respect. Having these rights help the older people feel more safe and ...

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An interesting essay looking at activity and disengagement theory. Each theory would have benefitted from a clear definition