Social development
Shakz has learnt to socialise and interact with other children. At his lunch breaks, he used to play football or play ‘tag’ with the boys in his class. Shakz has been taught these things which means that this is a quality’s of nurture, as these things that have been learnt from peers and taught by teachers.
Physical development
Shakz is now well over 6ft and has a built, muscular body. His father and his father’s brothers are all tall and muscular. However, he also smokes cigarettes which I believe is a genetic influence as his father used to smoke when he was young in addition to Shakz’s appearance which was genetically inherited from his father’s (side of the family’s) genes.
Intellectual development
His drug usage affected his life so severely to a peak, which had an end result of him on the brink of death due to drug intoxication. His anger problem was also severe which prepared him to assault his father through minor arguments. This is a nurture factor because the environment he has lived in and the people he has socialised with have determined his behaviour and the way he acts with certain people. However, it could have been passed down from ancestors.
Emotional development
These are examples of nurture influences because he is influenced in to doing things which his peers also do. He may feel it is right to do what they do to fit in. he doesn’t always take in what his parents tell him. It is a nurture influence to smoke cannabis as it is not a trait that Shakz is born with, rather, is influenced in to doing it.
Due to the area he lived in, he faced brutal anger problems and even drug usage.
Social development
At his adolescent life stage, Shakz grew up in the heart of East-End. His father used to be a heavy smoker in the 1990’s. Shakz was influenced a lot by his peers as well as his parents who used to, in a way; guides him on the ‘right path’ of life.
As a teenager he loved partying staying out late and dating lots of girls. Although his parents have taught him differently.
D1- Evaluate how nature and nurture may affect the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of two stages of the development of an individual.
In this assignment I will evaluate how nature and nurture and affect the holistic development of two stages of the development of an individual.
For this criterion, I will be looking at the stages of childhood and adolescence.
Nature factors of Physical development in childhood
All children go through a stage where they learn key skills that will be essential in everyday life such as communication skills, writing and speaking skills and is the vital stage in which children develop physically. However, this can be altered when children are born with abnormalities or diseases that can affect them physically. For example individuals who have Down syndrome. Having Down syndrome can affect an individual physically. For example, having upwards slanted eyes, small mouth and hands and usually gaps between their big toe and other toes.
Nature factors of intellectual development in childhood
A child who is born with disabilities which can have an effect on their intellectual development such as having Down syndrome. This disorder can affect the child’s learning abilities as it takes individuals with Down syndrome time to process information, have a poor sense of judgement and are slow learners they also have a short attention span and some may even have dementia. This will affect the child’s intellectual needs and may need to take a step-by-step approach.
Nature factors of emotional development in childhood
The child having all these types of problems the child faces whether physical or emotional can have an effect on their emotional development. For example, they may feel unloved and that they are different to everyone else around them. They may also get frustrated and angry as they can’t figure something out which may lead them to lash out. A child that I know personally tends to use a lot of violence when he does not understand something or when he gets annoyed.
Nature factors of social development in childhood
For children who do not have any form of disabilities or illness; it may be easy for them socialise with peers and people of their age group. Children with Down syndrome may find it hard to interact with other children and as it takes time for children with Down syndrome to process information; they may not understand why something is done in such a way. Another factor can be that they are unable to speak properly which may leave them not being able to put their point across to the person they are communicating with.
Nurture factors of Physical development in childhood
There are many nurture factors that can affect children who have a disorder or illness. For example, my cousin who has Down syndrome tends to pick things up from ‘fighting’ video games that he plays; he tries to mimic the actions from the video game also because he doesn’t understand that it is not right to hit other children he will end up using violence against other children.
Nature factors of Physical development in adolescence
There are many disabilities, disorders, illnesses or deformities that can affect a young person physically. For example, young people who have Apert’s syndrome, which is a genetic condition that is present from birth of young person who is then later diagnosed with the exact illness. Having Apert’s syndrome comes with several physical abnormalities such as ‘sticky’ fingers that share a fingernail and sometimes have unusual shaped skulls. Individuals with this form of abnormality are likely to have heart, liver and kidney problems. Females who have Apert’s syndrome are likely to be infertile as the cervix, vagina, fallopian tubes have some form of difficulty within the body.
Nature factors of Intellectual development in adolescence
Individuals with Apert’s syndrome usually have learning difficulties, ear infections, speech and sight impairment and language barriers. However, some individuals who have Apert’s syndrome have normal intelligence while others are unable to act or have the intelligence they should at their specific age. In a whole, individuals with Apert’s syndrome have a general development delay.
Nature factors of Emotional development in adolescence
Having this syndrome can affect the individual in a variety of ways. This includes, having low self-esteem due to the illness they have and they may end up feeling like they are not normal or are not treated like other’s their ages. They may feel vulnerable. However, young people who do not have the illness may also feel vulnerable and try not to ‘take a wrong step’. For example, girls may feel very conscious of their body and the size of their breasts, while boys may be conscious of their acne that is starting to grown on their skin.
Nature factors of Social development in adolescence
Young people who have any kind of illness may find it hard to mix in with peers. They may feel that there is no sense of belonging, which may make them feel left out. For example, my nephew was born with Asperger’s syndrome, having this disorder can take a toll on someone’s life. Asperger’s syndrome is a part of spectrum of autism in which individuals have difficulties communicating and understand other’s emotions as you would physically have to tell them that you are happy or upset, some with this disorder feel pain when getting or giving eye-contact.
Nurture factors of Physical development in adolescence
There are several affects that may occur in regards to the environment that young people are around. Individuals may be passive smoking as they are around family or friends that smoke or take drugs
Nurture factors of intellectual development in adolescence
There are many negative aspects that may affect the individuals’ intellect. For example, smoking cannabis has an effect on the smoker as chemicals are carried to the brain and in the blood stream. ‘Someone who smokes cannabis every day may be functioning at a suboptimal intellectual level all of the time’.
Nurture factors of emotional development in adolescence
Smoking cannabis may have a toll on the emotional development of the individual who is smoking. For example, one of the effects of smoking cannabis is that the smoker has vigorous mood-swings; they may be happy one minute and depressed the next. However, some individuals may become reliant on smoking drugs or drinking alcohol.
Nurture factors of social development in adolescence
The nurture factors that may affect the social development For example, peer-pressure may influence them in to smoking or taking drugs. They may want to fit so they will end up copying what everyone else is doing around them. However, there are long-term effects that may occur when smoking or taking drugs such as respiratory diseases, coronary heart disease or even cancer.
Resource:Aldworth,C Et Al, 2010, EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care, Book 1,Pearson Education Limited