P3: Explain in the potential effect of discriminatory practice on those who use health or social care service

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P3: Explain in the potential effect of discriminatory practice on those who use health or social care service

Bases of discrimination


The family are experiencing discrimination against their culture from their neighbours. This is because the family may have different views and believes, dress differently and eat certain types of food that other people may not know about and understand. This is based on the social interactions that they have been brought up in and their community that they lived in. because of the behaviour that their neighbours are showing the Hussein family feel that they cant make any friends and go out so they keep themselves to themselves.

Health status:

The Hussein family have a physically disabled grandmother that is 85 years of age which means that she should be receiving free medical service. Sometimes in health and social care settings people may be discriminated against depending on who is more ill than others. Because of this the grandmother may not receive the care that she requires or may be kept waiting for a long time to receive treatment. But because the family are reluctant to go out they may not be aware of this form of discrimination.


 The physically disabled grandmother may be discriminated against due to her disability by health care workers. Depending on the ability that the grandmother has she could be discriminated either positively or negatively. She also could be discriminated against because she is venerable and a easy target to pick on by the neighbours which would then put her self esteem down and also is one of the reasons why the family feel they shouldn’t socialise with other people in their community.

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Social class:

 Social class can be the basis of discrimination because of different speech, levels of power or the amount of money that is earned. The Hussein family may be discriminated by those in a health and social care service because they are in a lower social class and are seen as people who don’t work or didn’t get a good education. This may also be what leads their neighbours to discriminate because the family don’t work and rarely come out the house.  

Discriminatory practice

Prejudice: ...

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This report is very basic. It demonstrates little subject knowledge and understanding focusing in on the family being discrimination against by the neighbours. There is some awareness of the factors that lead to discrimination evident. there needs to be research and references added to this to make it a valid report. **