Principal Sociological Perspectives on Society and Health

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Principal Sociological perspectives:

There are many different approaches that have been used to understand and describe the different types of behaviour that takes place in society. These approaches would all have an impact in some way to an individual’s social life, even if it’s just with their health or well-being.  

There are seven different sociological approaches. These approaches are; Functionalism, Marxism, Feminism, Interactionism, Collectivism, New Right and Post-Modernism. 

The functionalist approach would best be understood when it is related to the human body. For example, just as the body would function from different organs such as the kidneys and lungs and the mechanisms would have to deal with the disease. It all has a different way of functioning just like the society, where different institutions would have a particular involvement to be made.

Sociology (online) states: “Functionalism interprets each part of society in terms of how it contributes to the stability of the whole society. Society is more than the sum of its parts; rather, each part of society is functional for the stability of the whole society. The different parts are primarily the institutions of society, each of which is organized to fill different needs and each of which has particular consequences for the form and shape of society.”

The functionalism approach would exist in the society by focusing on the shared values and social stability. If an individual does not fit into the different groups and shows a deviant behaviour, it could lead to change as the individual would need to be able to achieve stability. For example, if an individual has been affected through family situations then it is more likely that the person would be affected in other ways and this would create them a social problem which would then lead them to social change.

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Sociology (online) states: “The family is dependent upon the school to help children grow up to have good jobs so that they can raise and support their own families. In the process, the children become law-abiding, taxpaying citizens, who in turn support the state. If all goes well, the parts of society produce order, stability, and productivity. If all does not go well, the parts of society then must adapt to recapture a new order, stability, and productivity. “

For the society to be controlled and balanced it should have some social institutions that would be in ...

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