The teacher who assessed our form was able to leave us some helpful feedback from our health promotion campaign as he filled in all of our comment boxes which meant that we were able to gain as much feedback from him as possible. When filling out our assessment form, he did not just fill it out then hand it back to us, as instead he sat down with all the members of our group and talked us through the purposes for the comments that he left us on our form. This proved to be particularly helpful as we were then able to fully understand how he had filled in our form and we were also able to have his view on our health promotion campaign fully explained to us in detail.
In the first comment space on our teacher assessment form we suggested that this box be used for making comment on our activity. The teacher commented on our activity by saying that we provided a ‘good questionnaire’ and ‘appropriate activities’ our target audience. This was positive feedback for us as we now know that the activities and questionnaire that we provided were sufficient and beneficial for our target audience.
In the second comment space on our teacher assessment form we suggested that this box be used for commenting on how clearly the teacher assessing us thought we communicated with our audience. The teacher commented on our communication skills by saying that we gave a ‘good explanation’ of our research. This was also positive feedback for us as we know that we had communicated well and clearly with our target audience. On the other hand, the teacher also commented on our communication skills saying that we ‘needed to get them paying attention between activities’. He further explained to us that this means that we needed to engage them throughout the whole campaign in order for them not to lose interest and get distracted from our campaign.
In the third comment space on our teacher assessment form we suggested that this box be used for commenting on how clear the teacher assessing us though our presentation was. The teacher commented on our presentation positively by saying that we had a ‘good range of knowledge’ prepared for our presentation and that our slides in the power-point presentation were ‘clear’. This helped us to understand that we had gathered a good range of information to present to our target audience and that our power-point presentation was clear and concise. Also In this comment box, the teacher noted that we should consider ‘refining’ our paper airplane Idea. By this he explained that he meant that maybe we should have given the audience a target to aim for so that they would not just throw the airplanes around aimlessly, He also suggested to us that maybe we should use a different activity next time as the paper airplanes were distracting to some of the audience which lead them to lose their concentration a bit and become more focused on the paper airplanes than our actually listening to our health promotion campaign.
In the fourth and final comment space on our teacher assessment form we suggested that this box be used for commenting on whether or not our health promotion campaign was beneficial to the tutor/target audience. The teacher commented in this box by saying that he felt that our health promotion campaign was beneficial to his tutor group which was our target audience. He explained to us that this was he felt that the learnt something from our campaign due to the eagerness they showed from wanting to be part of the campaign. He also said that it gave him the opportunity to sit back and observe his tutor group to see how well they listen and participate so it also benefitted him as well.
Analysis of self-assessment form
The second form we created was a self-assessment form. We created these forms individually as we felt that this was an independent activity to do as it was more personal as it is our own opinion and we therefore felt that it should also be our own personal questions that we want to ask and answer. In my opinion, the purpose of creating this form was to give myself feedback on how I felt I had participated in our health promotion campaign. I also believe that it is important to express our own individual thoughts and feelings on our campaign in order to give ourselves feedback which we can look at and use to improve on for future reference.
For the first question on my self-assessment form I asked myself the question ‘How well did I think that our health promotion campaign went?’. I answered this question saying that I thought that it went ‘fairly well’. I answered this because this is how well I think it went from my point of view which was that I felt it was good, but with more planning and preparation it could have been better which is why I also answered this question by saying ‘although I think that better preparation for presenting our campaign could be something to improve on’.
For the second question on my self- assessment form I asked myself the question ‘did I make a good contribution to the team and was my contribution effective to the team?’. I answered this question by saying ‘yes, I do think that I made a good contribution’. The reason I gave for my answer was I think I made a good contribution as ‘I tried to contribute as much as possible’, and by this I meant that I was keen to put a lot of work into this campaign by trying to come up with activities and ideas to put into our campaign in order to make it as good as it possibly could be. For the second part of this question I also answered yes as I did feel that my contribution was effective to the team for the same reason, But in my answer I also acknowledged that it was a team effort overall, and not one person did all of the work, so effectively; everyone make a good contribution.
For the third question on my self-assessment form I asked myself was the question ‘was my participation in our campaign was sufficient?’. I answered this question by saying ‘yes, I do think that my participation in our campaign was sufficient.’ I answered yes to this question because I felt that I put in a lot of effort and participating by creating a questionnaire, speaking while presenting our campaign and individually making the time plan and assisted with creating the lesson plan.
For the fourth question on my self-assessment form I asked myself was the question ‘how well did I feel that I communicated/presented during the presentation of our health promotion campaign?’. I answered this question by saying that I felt that I personally could have communicated better than I did, although my communication skills were okay, I needed to put myself out there and be more confident when speaking which is something I can look to improve on in the future.
The fifth and final question on my self-assessment form I asked myself was the question ‘In my opinion, was the campaign successful in meeting our aims?’. I answered this question by saying say I do think the campaign was successful in meeting our aims as by the end of presenting our campaign our audience seemed to have a wider knowledge of the topic we chose to campaign so we had increased awareness of our topic which was one of our two aims. In my opinion we also met our other aim as throughout the camping we were constantly asking our audience questions we got them to think about their health and lifestyles which was exactly what about second aim was about.
What impact did our campaign have on our target audience?
In my opinion, I think that our health promotion campaign had a fairly good impact on our target audience as they seemed to respond well whilst we were campaigning to them and they seemed engaged with the topic we choose to campaign to them about. They were also enthusiastic and receptive to the information, new ideas and advice we were giving them which has hopefully inspired out target audience to put into action what they have learnt from listening to our health promotion campaign.
The evidence which I can provide from my assessment forms to back up my reasons for why I think our health promotion campaign has a fairly good impact on our target audience as on the teacher assessment sheet the teacher commented saying that it was beneficial to his tutor which was our target audience. Another piece of evidence is that the teacher commented saying that we provided ‘appropriate activities’. He then explained to us that this mean that out target audience we interested to learn from our campaign as we were giving them activities to do to include them in our health promotion campaign which created a positive impact on our target audience as they felt involved with the campaign.
Finally, the fact that in my opinion we achieved all the aims we set out to achieve, I think that this made a positive impact on our target audience. The fact that we achieved our aims which were to get out audience to think about their health and their lifestyles and also to raise awareness of the importance of eating a healthy diet and participating in enough regular exercise, shows that we made a good impact on our target audience if we were able to get them to think about their health and lifestyles and we have hopefully encouraged them to live healthier lifestyles.
Overall, I think that out health promotion campaign had a good impact on our target audience.
Evaluation of own performance
The planning I carried out and the preparation of campaign materials and my personal presentation skills
When preparing and carrying out our health promotion campaign I feel that I contributed to it in many ways.
Firstly, When planning out our health promotion campaign; ‘HITA Lifestyle’ I feel that I made a fair contribution to the group. As my role in the group for the planning section of our health campaign, I carried out many tasks.
Firstly, a task which I carried out individually was preparing questionnaires for our target audience to carry out during our campaign which helped us to gain a better understanding of what they already knew about diet and exercise at the start of our campaign, and what they had learnt by the end of our campaign. I believe that by preparing a questionnaire for our audience, this was an important part of our health promotion campaign as we were able to receive feedback on what we had taught as well which allowed us to see how effective our health education had been to our audience.
Secondly, I individually prepared the time plan and assisted in preparing the lesson plan for our campaign. This contributed to our health campaign as it meant we were able to organise our time when planning and carrying out our campaign which meant that we knew exactly what we were doing so we could keep on track with our campaign.
Finally, I also assisted in the actual presentation when we carried out our health promotion campaign. As part of my contribution when performing, I contributed by being a partial speaker during the presentation of our campaign. I think that my contribution of speaking was partially helpful, as although I was not the main speaker, I still think that I provided valuable help and information when presenting our campaign.
I felt that my presentation skills were okay, but I felt that maybe I could have contributed more to the speaking side of the presentation. I think that my presentation skills can be looked on as something to improve on and focus on in regard to future presentations and campaigns.
How effective was the campaign?
I think that our campaign was fairly effective in promoting the importance of a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise. I believe this is the case as during our campaign our audience were very engaged in our campaign and were very willing to participate in all of the activities which we provided them with. The fact that they were engaged and willing to participate shows us that we were effective in communicating our campaign cross to them and shows us that it was an interesting topic to direct at that specific age group.
I think that our target audience was very relevant to our health promotion campaign topic and I also believe that our chosen target audience was the best target audience we could have targeted our campaign at. This is because our topic which was diet and exercise would be most appropriate for year sevens/ children between the ages of eleven and twelve as this is the age which they start to learn more about the importance of health. In my opinion this the age where diet and exercise are encouraged the most as encouraging young individuals to eat sensibly and exercise more are highly encouraged in secondary schools.
I also think that the techniques we used for our health promotion campaign were appropriate for our target audience and for our campaign in general. This is because using scare tactics will help to open the eyes of year sevens to the reality of the consequences of not eating healthily or exercising regularly. I believe that using scare tactics was the most successful way to get their attention and influence them into changing their dietary and fitness behaviours.
Another technique which we used throughout our health promotion campaign was the educating approach. This was also appropriate for our target audience as it provided them with information which they may have not already known.
Finally, we used the technique of interacting with our audience through providing them with quizzes, paper airplanes and asking them questions. I believe that this was appropriate for our target audience as it was a way which got them interested and engaged in our campaign.
Recommendations and improvements
For future reference, if we were to do a campaign there are some changes and improvements which I would make in order to improve upon or previous methods of planning and carrying out our campaign.
Firstly, I would recommend that we put more research into our chosen topic area as this would allow us to have more information to talk about and make people more aware about. I think that the information which we already have could have been developed more as some of it was only basic information and in my opinion did not challenge our audience as much as we could have.
Secondly, I think that in the future we could prepare better for our campaign where the actual presenting side is concerned. By this I mean that I think we could have practiced our campaign speech/script more so that we knew exactly what we had to say and so we could say it confidently without saying anything incorrectly.
Finally, the last improvement which I would make for next time would be to make sure that everyone sticks to their assigned roles in the group, don’t let others dominate and share the responsibility equally amongst the group. This is not to say that we did not work well together as a team, but I do think that responsibility could have been shared out more equally when it came to actually presenting our health promotion campaign as the majority of the presentation was said by one person and everyone else did not contribute to speaking much.
I think that these recommendations and improvements are realistic changes to be made to further campaigns as I believe that if we make these changes then it will improve our plan by making it more of a team effort, better prepared/practiced and will also allow us to provide our audience with more developed information.
These changes would improve my campaign as it would ensure that every aspect of our campaign would be more organised and the campaign would run more efficiently when it comes to presenting it. It could also make us more prepared with what we want to say during our presentation if we practiced it more and wrote out a more detailed script to follow. This would help us to improve on our presentation skills and also to ensure that we could cover all intended content and present our campaign to the best of our ability. Something else to improve on could be preparing more materials to assist us in our campaign. This could include creating more fun activities or more quizzes which could be beneficial as it would help to engage and interact with the audience more and also help us to receive more feedback from our audience.
Brief summary of campaign
In conclusion, I think that my health promotion campaign was fairly successful overall although I think that next time we should take into account any recommendations which would help us to improve our campaign.