The advantages of the experimental method are that the research is done directly, which means that it follows one route which may be long otherwise there are more complications during the process. Depending on what the research is about, it gets difficult to figure out the result of it when there are participants involved in it, because they might change their behaviour and thoughts about reason they are involved in. With the use of the experiments the psychologists can quickly speed up with their research because they don’t have to wait to investigate a certain issue. The psychologist can study the behaviour that does not really occur, like to see the attitudes of the witness when it’s necessary. When the data from the experimental method has been taken and analysed, it becomes easier of finding out the rest of the population from the participants who are selected to take part in the research. The experimental method produces quantitative data which can be analysed by using the statistical test. The statistical test gives the psychologist the opportunity to say how likely the results have occurred by chance with the use of the dependent variables, rather than using the independent variables to figure out the results.
The problems with experimental method are that the investigation on participants from different cultural backgrounds but their citizenship in British, and some from the universities. It is important to question how far it is appropriate to simplify the results of the research to groups of participants for those who actually took part in it. Because the participants of this experiment are aware of it, they may act differently when knowing about it. This can be effective to the results of the study and there might be an issue of carrying out the experiment because in some cases it may be wrong or right to do so.
A self report technique is the method that the psychologist would be figuring out information themselves in order to find out about those who are participating in the research. One of the forms of this research is the questionnaire this is used in many cities in the UK, especially in health care places. These questions are given to all participants at specific areas where the psychologist is interested to know as it is related to its research. This type of survey is systematically gathering information from large number of participants. If the number of people are reduced who are participating in the survey, then the psychologist may change their mind from the questionnaire to interviews which is the other form of this research. The huge amounts of data are regularly collected by the large scale surveys across the UK and are published in tables and charts in report.
Questionnaire can be beneficial for psychologists because of the cost and the speed. The large amount of information from the questionnaires can be gathered up quickly and cheaply from the large amount of participants within a short period of time. When questionnaires are used in a research, psychologists don’t sit with the responders this means that there is less opportunity of gathering information for the psychologist as it is just answering simple and closed questions. The closed questions make it easier to analyse and compare answers from different individuals or groups of the people.
The interview as a self report technique becomes easier for the psychologist and tough for the participant. This is because the interviewer can ask more questions when they think that the answer is not relevant or it is not enough to be answered. If it’s a sensitive topic being discussed like if someone has been experiencing or experienced a sex assault, fear of death, losing their loved ones or something too personal. It makes it difficult for the participant to speak it out which then the psychologist who may be unaware of this event, they will have to use their impersonal techniques like to comfort them, or reword their open question till they get their answer.
There can be some negative issues when using a questionnaire as a format of there self report technique. There can be problems with the wording of the question but this does not always takes place. This means that if the question is not making sense to the participant, then they would answer to what they have understood by it. This makes the psychologist difficult to analyse the answer because the time they would be analysing it they won’t be able to see the participants, this becomes even more difficult when the questionnaire was done anonymously. As in the questionnaire the question are leading questions the response that are made may be unfair to the participants. This questionnaire may be given to someone else who may not understand English fully, but answers the questions which might not even make sense. If in the questionnaire, there are questions which the participant may find it too personal and embarrassing then the participant would write the untruthful answer to it. The quality of the data does matter when there is someone else filling it in, this means that before the questionnaire is to be collected in as a useful piece of data, people may not be able to estimate the amount of time it would take to complete it.
The interviews response may not be clear because they have to think about the question and how to answer it which it might take time. Participant’s receive appointment or interview times of when to attend the interview, which at some cases they may not be able to attend it. The place where the interview would take place could be out of town or an unknown place, this waste the time of the participants and the interviewers itself because they could get late and they are not aware of the time it will take to reach there. There can be effects of variables during the interviews related to gender, ethnicity, personality, class and age between the participant and interviewer. This may affect the interaction between the two variables and the quality of information may reduce as the interviewer may not like the responses.
Bibliography and references of psychological research:
Sociological Research is research done by social scientist, which plans systematically related their research in the forms of quantitative and qualitative data. These researches look at the society’s attitudes, assumptions, trends and their rules. The sociological research is shown in many ways, especially in the UK: immigration, unemployment, university fees, policing and education.
The combination of sociology and statistics are formed on the basis for the research in other sorts of development, which comes in various ways political science, media studies, program evaluation and market research. Quantitative data means the sampling research which comes in numerical forms. The data is easy to analyse and comes in large sample space. Qualitative data means that it comes in written format which is more of expressing feeling and emotions.
Unemployment in the UK has taken place since the past twenty years and it also has increased. The statistics shows that this is caused do to recession that people lost their jobs, students who achieved their university degree has become no use to them and even if there is a need of benefits they also have been cutted down. For example, a normal nuclear family has a father who is an employer of Toys’R’Us and the mother is an employer of as a cashier of Woolworths, because of the massive recession has come up Woolworths as a store has been banned overall which means that she won’t be working. The father has been sacked out because the manager is having better and qualified employers in the company. Now the children who go to school would need stationary, clothes and gift, unfortunately this has to be shortened because they have only savings which will be used for the housing bills.
Quantitative research makes people are more focused about the number people who had taken part in the sample and the number people who had positively been affected by it. For example, finding out how many people have survived from blood cancers. This is important because it would positively influence people who have survived from blood cancer. And about how many people which means it’s from a sample of a certain population. This can be shown charts and graphs, from the axis of blood cancer survivals and percentage of people who have survived. But it is as well important to know who have not survived so people get more serious about it. Interviews have a bit of quantitative research and it is mostly consists of qualitative research. It is qualitative when the person is talking about the subject by expressing their feelings and thoughts of emotions. It becomes quantitative when it needs to be put into sampling, like when one question is questioned to ten participants they would statistically put the number of people who have been positively influenced out of the ten participants.
The advantages of qualitative data are that it looks at the whole of the research, not at specific variables. Qualitative is done in written formats which express feelings and thought of emotions of individuals or groups of individuals, in these written formats there are situations that this data may provide important information. This data is done a sample space which means that it can be easier to compare individual differences through it, to figure out if there are changes in the variables.
Another advantage of the quantitative data is that the number and statistics used in the data allows the sociologist to make evaluations on the subject that is being studied. This also means that they can make references with the use of numbers and statistics that are used in the data. The variables are controlled and different from each other, this means that the results are easier to analyse. This allows the sociologist to figure out the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables, as it is easy to analyse when it is a large sample space.
However, the disadvantage of the qualitative data are that it does not focus on specific measurement and objective data this means that the information is incomplete. From the sociologist’s interpretations and descriptions, it is figured out that the results are likely to be dependent. When the questionnaires are used, when this sort of data is collected it would be inaccurate because respondents may give untruthful and incomplete answers to it.
Another disadvantage of sociological research could be that the participants will act differently because they are aware that the social scientists are studying about them and can come anytime. These participants have come to an unfamiliar environment so they don’t keep any social contact with people who are not the participants of this research. The results that have come out may make predictions of whether it is right or wrong to do this research when discovered from the independent variables. These controlled variables or participants may tightly control the environment with the help of other variables or participants.
Bibliography and references of sociological research:
Health Research is also known as medical research which is very similar to medical research itself. What it really means that research is done to learn more about the human health. This time it aims to prevent, treat diseases and see their side effects of them. Otherwise medical research is about new treatments which have established to see if they are working or not. This is known as one of the important way to help to help improve the care and treatment of people worldwide.
An example of health research could be on a questionnaire, like a question related to health may ask “does a certain drug improve your health?” The respondent may not answer this question. But what this question really means is like how aspirin help to reduce pain. Another example could be that obesity levels have raised out of the whole population in the UK. For this the government has opened new schemes for having a healthy diet like 5 A DAY and Healthy Schools. Knowing that many people watch Jamie Oliver’s cooking shows, he has started his shows by showing new meals of healthy diet which contain less sugar and fat. The government still needs to find out why children and adults have become an obese, they think that it’s the food that they eat but it’s also the exercises that they do.
The advantages of health research are that the new treatment could be successful during and after it has taken place, and this new treatment may not be available yet to the general public. They receive free prescribed medications which are free of charge, as it’s a new treatment if anything goes wrong the hospital will be blamed for it. This situation is a fear for the hospital and the surgical, so they are their co-practitioners are closely monitored and take care of the new treatment in every possible event.
The disadvantages of health research are that the participant may not use all the certain medications that are prescribed. This is because they might think that their home mage medications may give a good pain relief. But they should know that it’s a new treatment which means that the medications that the doctors or the hospitals give should be the correct ones. The participant’s private and social life could be affected like they would need to have more time for visiting health care services.
Bibliography and references of health research:
Explain the general purposes of research in the relation to health, social care and early years
Reviewing/auditing and monitoring changes include sections of risk assessment, frequency of monitoring, reporting routes, auditing etc. An auditing (process of examining and verifying records of something) in a project is most likely to be done, due to suspicion of reducing research governance standards in the project. When making changes involving auditing and monitoring in the project it is important to provide any sort of governance information and safeguarding about it.
In the relation to health, the NHS and other health care services need to figure out the development of medications and treatment is going on. For example, for people who have recently have had an eye’s treatment they should be receiving aids and adaptations like a blind stick so they know there is nothing ahead will walking, they should be trained on how to use the black blind glasses, they should receive feedback from opticians and sergeants. They should be interviewed and make they feel that they are confident to talk not thinking about their medical history of being blind.
In the relation to social care, when people are in need they are able to receive help by the government. For example, people who don’t have a job and need money to take care of their family. They go to jobseekers and apply for a job, so until they don’t have a job the government gives those benefits so they can live their daily life better. The benefits are given by the number of people in the house and the background they are living in.
In the relation to early years, the government should give questionnaires or interviews to parents and send social services at home to see how the child background and upbringing is like. To see if the child will be able to adjust in school they would be going to. For example, if a family has one incomer who income is low, and has three children. The government will visit them at home with the topic that their children to come to the local state schools, but when they see the background and the class of the family. The government would help them. Then the next time the government revisits the children house they expect to see the improvements of how they are living.
Exploring specific needs of the population, it allows to identify which places or events needs more help. The government gives census to the population through the area that is being investigated, census is a survey that the population fills in and they are aware that the government is involved in it. The government looks at the population through census which is given by the population. They can take information out of the census and bring specific requirements along with it.
In the relation to health, the government explore the needs of the population to the health care services that they often meet up with. They would do a research about hospitals and GP surgeries of what they do to meet the needs of the population. For example, the government is concerned the amount of lung cancers have taken place and many peoples deaths are associated with it. They would research through the hospitals about why were there so many deaths associated with lung cancer. The results from the research showed that it’s to do with the smoking and second hand smoking. They would make a census and give it to the population regarding health but not specifically about smoking but about other sort of things like the new flu that have been established. Through this census it is found out that the population has agreed that they have been forbidden by the doctors to stop smoking but they say that they cannot resists. The statistics are shown, and this decision is done by the government.
In the relation to social care, the government could be fulfilling the needs of elderly people, in this stage they would be tired and get illnesses like dementia. In this sort of situations most of the elderly would be dependent on others, for this the government has arranged more residential care home. The development of the residential care homes has increased since they first were established. According to rules of the residential care home it is important that all the care is provided to all service users, they should be providing meals on time, helping them with their personal hygiene, providing medications on time and meets their any other needs too. After couple of months or years, the elderly would be given a census to fill out and with this census the government should be evaluating whatever is written in it, whether the elderly is meeting their needs or not.
The government gives the residential care home funding money to help them to fulfil their needs, provide the sources that they need and the food that the elderly may need. There have been many cases about the patients are not look aftered well or with care, as on the BBC the shocking clips of the Winterbourne Care Home had a huge effect on them.
In the relation to early years, teenage pregnancy has been a huge issue for the government which they are exploring specific areas in the UK. For example, the government has seen that there are an increase number of birth rates. According to the research the teenage pregnancy is a third of the research as before it was only one eighth of it. The one eight was assumed that it must be related to the rape cases that took place earlier and in some ethical cultures may allow to have teenage pregnancy. But the third of the whole research does not give a good impression, as the teenagers are not matured enough to have children. This can be stopped when the government invents campaigns for teenagers and the main aim of those campaigns is ways to help or to stop teenagers getting pregnant quick.
Exploring social science hypothesis, before the theorist invents some theory or shows it to the world, the government investigates whether it works or not. They would examine the theory on the specific area it theorised about. This is done by primary, secondary research and use qualitative and quantitative data.
In the relation to health, the government should do an investigation on the specific areas that they are concerned with and how health could be related to it. Some researchers film families when it’s related with poverty so it can be a useful tool to show students, people as it could be on the TV advertisement and the government to make the use of it. For example, families in a certain area that live in houses that most rooms have damp in there is extreme number of chances that people would get even more ill as they are lacking of central heating. Researchers would record that and show it to the government. The government may provide them extra medical care and try to get the central heating system sorted out.
In the relation to social care, the government would help the society of what needs to be done to make people lives better. For example, the teenage crime rates have terribly increased in the UK. The government looks at specific areas that involve crimes like in polluted areas, quiet areas and areas that have more alleyways. It is found that most of the crime is done here is by teenagers. The government should organise more campaigns or jobs that makes those teenagers life’s busy so they don’t end up murdering someone. The government should bring up more security in those areas so even if they have arranged campaigns and jobs, security is needed so just in case the murder fear goes away from here.
In the relation to early years, the government does investigation if the family or the child needs more help and support. For example, in a recession a family needs help from professionals. No professionals is helping them but the government provide more sure start centres for the family so they can try to arrange a job so their lifestyle is perfectly back again.
Extending and improving practice and knowledge, it is important to investigate further in a medical area so that the individual’s health could be improved. A medication would be successful when it has successful results from individuals. This is done in the investigation process which is to allow researchers to extend their research, improve their experiment when making the medications and keeping medications on trail so they could find out whether the volunteers health is improving or worsening.
In the relation to health, it is important that the hospital are improved for instance an area for the sick and weak people. This is could be done by positively reinforcing the service providers in the hospitals by rewards so that they continue improving their hospitals. Hiring more nurses so there are more workers to help to improve the hospitals for the service users.
When creating an experiment, monitoring on the effects and symptoms, and evaluating on them, it is the nurses and the doctor’s responsibilities to put them into to stratified sampling with groups (wards) that they have supplied medications to. Researchers should be giving out questionnaires, surveys or individually give interviews to service users on the improvements in the hospitals and the improvements on their health after a bit of time. Changes in the medications would only take place when there is the evaluation and the results have met the targets.
In the relation to social care, in statistics there is an increase of crime and drugs abuse, the government would open options to help individuals to come out from these situations. When these changes have taken place the government should check the statistics to show whether the data is reliable or not. This is means to see if people are benefited from staying away from crime and drug abuse or not.
In the relation to early years, the government should employ or volunteer staff for morning/afternoon sessions of the nurseries. This would help the youngsters on their confidence and help to improve on their development. For example, they would be employed to speak in different languages and learn how to communicate with disable children. This would be beneficial to meet the needs of the service users. It allows the government to make new changes as this is important because employing staffs who are from different culture and ethical minorities. This can show equality and would be meet the service user’s needs, it allows to makes changes in the health and social care provisions when employing them.
Bibliography and references of purpose of research
Identifying the difference between quantitative and qualitative methods
Before starting any sort of research it is necessary to decide whether the research should be based on between statistical or subjective data, for that it is important to understand the main differences of quantitative and qualitative data. The main difference between the two methods is that the quantitative method is about coming in numerical formats and qualitative method comes in written formats.
In any research when the researcher uses qualitative method, there is always a reason why they have used this method. The qualitative method in the research is used to grab the emotions and feelings of the reader. The key to this method is that it also gives the idea of the topics main concept. The context is what everyone thinks about the subject, this means that it’s more about other people’s opinions and views on it. This method also encourages reading more about it and what is being done. This context is made with the help of a lot of analysis of data like worded text, pictures and objects, with the use of plenty time which is less likely to generalise. This qualitative method is made up with detailed information which answers the readers questions like ‘why’, they don’t tell ‘how’ because the reader should be able to figure out that.
The researcher wants to make this sort of context that when the person reads it changes people attitudes, behaviour, motivation, culture and lifestyle. This makes the person think what could be done, how it could be done and it creates bundles of questions in the readers mind. It’s really an indirectly persuasion context from the reader because it wants to take action on the topic and this is what the readers aims are which they become successful at if the context is read by most of the population. This sort of methods is used in case studies so they know more about the investigation in detail otherwise they won’t be able to figure out what it is about.
The advantages of this method are that reveals significant information about the subject of the study, which means that this information is as important to the readers and the researchers. It is kept anonymous that where the information was found, otherwise people may take the information wrongly and may claim about it. The planning process in the most important part of this research this is because for all programs and messages, it allows the research to make inferences and evaluation about the subject of the study. This sort of information can be fairly analysed and be used in quantitative methods in research.
This methods has equal disadvantages in the research because it is good that the statistics show the importance of the research but it is important to know other professionals views and feelings too. Depending on what the research is about, if it involves participants they would be aware that they are being studied they will act differently, they might think that why are they the only ones that are chosen. They would also be kept in an unfamiliar environment so they have no social contact with someone else that is not a part of the research and they would be seen all the time by the researchers. The research is more about identifying the norms and moral values of that participant, which also could be meant that it looking at the participants’ character.
Quantitative methods are used in research by researchers to show the importance of the context or research and what it is trying to promote the readers to do. This is often done as surveys, questionnaires and interviewing people by evaluating statistically the answers to their questions. This research comes through numbers, percentages and statistics to show accuracy. This relates to subjects like business, medicine, biology, politics, geography and health and social care.
The main reason why the statistical values are used in any research is to figure out for and against the subject. Many people go for this method this is because it comes to the point, it makes the people aware of what is happening and how could it be resolved. This sort of research makes decisions to the subject and is shown at the end of the process of the research. This sort research can be analysed as this is a numerical data, it is more efficient as people can figure out the needs but it may leave out the worded format detail.
The advantages of using quantitative method are that the used statistical values can be explored into detail. This sort of method used in the research is less expensive because all it needs is few measurement tools to figure out the statistics. It focuses on small groups so it makes it easier to generalise the results, this require large groups of participants so the research looks more efficient. This sort of methods uncovers about the peoples experiences more this means that why things may be the way they are. As this sort of method can be used as an interview, the interviewer/researcher has the freedom to ask questions in depth as long as their answer is given directly to their given question.
Quantitative methods disadvantages are that a bit of the statistics are needed with worded information otherwise statistics on its own may not make sense to people who don’t understand graphs. In interviews, when there’s a personal interaction could be a problem to the researcher to figure out what the answer could be to the given question, and they would be unable to maintain the object of the study. The researcher chooses selected groups of participants, the researcher having to make assumptions of the specific groups may not be accurate.
Bibliography and references:
Identifying the difference between primary and secondary research sources
It is important to know that the source you are reading is a primary or secondary research source. This is because when reading a source and you start believing in it, and then you realise it is not all true this means that you have read the secondary research source.
The primary research source is about the original research found by the original researcher of the source. This means that this sort of research is face to face which simply means that the researcher was doing the research. This is where the research discovers and investigates more about it. This is more expensive because the information is original so it uses detailed and elaborated methods of qualitative and quantitative. This sort of research is investigate as interviews, this means that interviews are primary data which the researchers receives the information from the source itself.
The advantages of primary research sources are that the researcher can control and responsibilities the researcher has. The control and the responsibilities are: collecting data, how long will it take to collect the data and it enables the researcher to focus specific aspects of research. For the researcher to look at the specific with the use of researching methodology and find more information, this is often done by focusing groups to emails.
The primary research sources disadvantages are that it takes a lot of time because you have to do certain preparations. The researcher also has to handle different processes in order to fulfil the demands of discovering the primary investigation at the same time. It would be difficult to manage time when there is a lot to investigate and research about. Another disadvantage is that in order to have a well efficient research done it is important to have large source of data. This means in the research it is important to have more participants involved, and the researcher has to interact with them so they can analyse and evaluate their findings.
The secondary research source is about the researcher is using different primary sources to make up their own source which is called secondary source. The secondary research are not expensive as primary research, this is because it is shown on internet, newspapers, magazines and etc. This sort of research source does not take time because they know who they have to go to collect the information and use it, which can be found independently and analysing it. It can be presented in number of data and sources, most commonly like: books, published articles by the government, statistical data, case studies and etc. By taking the example of interviewing, when someone had an interview which means the notes that were taken or when it was recorded, another person can write a review or a book on it.
The advantages of using secondary research sources are that it is easy to access the primary research. There is low cost needed for this research because they don’t need tools or participants for this research as they are already or they should be used in the primary research. Their questions which are linked as ‘why’ which are mostly answered if they get all the primary research and if not they will start analysing different answers that are linked to that question so they will write what they assume the answer would be. This might be difficulties to apply the primary research in their research. This might be because the primary research may not make sense or is in different English or a different language.
Secondary source researches disadvantages are this sort of research method uses less time but it is not guaranteed that it would take less that the primary research. The information may not be as accurate as the primary research that means that there could be information that is less on the primary research and the secondary researcher thinks it is not necessary to put down. The primary researcher always has aimed a target on the investigation they are going to do, but the secondary researcher has misunderstood the concept.
Bibliography and references:
Using clear heading describe in detail three different research methods which you could choose to use to carry out your research projects
Primary Research is about an original research done by the first researcher, who puts more effort into it by discovering and researching about it. They use variety of techniques in order to investigate and discover things. The common used techniques are questionnaires and interviews. This is the reason why the primary research is expensive and another reason could be that it’s a new research probably no one has looked forward to it.
Questionnaires are used in primary research to ask participants when enquiring things about them regarding the research. Researcher may have a general idea when few of the questionnaires have come about what the research is going to be concluded. However, when all of the questionnaires have come they can come to a conclusion and group those questionnaires into categories. It is true that some responses from teh questionnaires which are counted in teh research are going to be wrong, but if the research is done by somebody else of the same research then we would get the similar results which still might be wrong too.
There are few purposes of using questionnaires that they are more objective and gives clear points, this means that the questionnaires are can give a general idea to the public about the information. To generalise the data is very quick and easy to extract the information from the questionnaires, even from a large group of people living in a particular area.
However, there are also many disadvantages when using questionnaires is that people may forget the important issues, they might be busy and not pay much attention. They might not want to be honest and answer the questions because they don’t want to own up that they were wrong, even if the questionnaire is anonymous they would still do it deliberately. They might not understand Standard English or the individual may have a vision problem that the participant is unable to answer the questions. If the questionnaire is too long then there are more chances that the participant will answer few questions wrong.
Primary research also uses interviews as the techniques used by the researcher so they can see the body language of the participant and know them more. This is a more of a direct conversation between the participant and the researcher. Most of the time, participants be honest to the researcher because its there first research.
The advantage of using interviews is that the researcher can produce high level of response. This means that the researcher can elaborate what the participant has said so the research can be done as qualitative and quantitative data, so teh public can see the research in two sorts of data. This is useful for harder topics because they can ask many questions as they want from the participant the right and well given answer so they can write put the correct answer in their data to look reliable. There is no need for the participant to read something out but they need to be confident and sociable to help the researcher out.
On the other hand, the disadvantages of using interviews are that it’s very time consuming. This means that the researcher has to take time out to interview range of people they have chosen from the sample, so does the participant need to take time out and know where the interview is going to take place, this means that if the participant does not know where the interview is going to take place then they might miss the interview. Doing these interviews the researchers is not talking a big sample, this is they choose couple of people from a sample like stratified sampling, as they don’t have that much time to interview 1000 people per day. Sometimes, the interviewer may be affected when asking questions to the participant to agree about something that they were found to be guilty in.
Bibliography and references:
Secondary Research is about the researcher using variety of primary sources to make their own research. The secondary research are not expensive as primary research, this is because it is shown on internet, newspapers, magazines and etc. This sort of research source does not take time because they know who they have to go to collect the information and use it, which can be found independently and analysing it.
Newspaper Articles are the most common research that has been going on over many years, this means that people of today may or may not admire it. But people who do admire it may read it and take it seriously, which they need to in some cases. This is because reading the internet it won’t tell you the truth, and reading a magazine would give you other people’s opinions more than the context. However, the newspapers tell the truth as it is similar than the primary research.
The main advantage of newspaper articles is that it’s a government’s statistics. The news paper editors won’t tell a lie and say it’s a government’s official statistics, because if this is done then the government would have the authority to stop the newspaper company from working and able to prove them wrong in the court with the solid evidence they have. The government always have some main newspapers of their own like: ‘the guardian’, ‘the leader’, ‘the telegraph’, ‘the times’ and other common ones, but not ‘the sun’. Along the side of this advantage there is also another advantage that because it’s a government’s statistics it would always be up to date. This means that the statistics in the article would always be changed, so people can make assumptions about the changes of tomorrow. An example could be the money being transferred to abroad, like the statistics of sending a pound of the UK to India in rupees are changed quite often, to people may refer to the bank or the newspapers.
However, a disadvantage could be that the researcher may include the wrong information which may affect the government’s statistics and the readers too. This means that people would be affected by the wrong statistics because it would be a lot of lose. Sometimes the readers can figure out that the statistics on this table is not original because it can be clearly seen that the information from the primary source is analysed and written in an incorrect English grammar. The research can be done through questionnaires this means that information from a questionnaire can be copied from a primary research. This is when they rewrite the questions from the questionnaire and try to analyse what people have said so they can categorise them. The secondary research is about rewriting the primary research, this means that the information that they are rewriting might be changed because the information might be out of date. If the information is out of date, then the readers wont rely on them, so it would be their lose of the business not going well and the readers lose of reading the incorrect information.
Bibliography and references
- Social trends: secondary research’s advantages and disadvantages
Gurpreet Kumar Health & Social Care A2 Level: Research Methods Miss D Cousineau