Reflective Report of a wheelchair expedition

Wheelchair Expedition- Reflective Report
For the wheelchair expedition, a journey was devised around the university campus, so we could compare the journey time when using a wheelchair and without. The journey started at the Sport, Exercise & Rehabilitation Science building. We decided to visit the Barber Institute of Fine Arts museum, then continue our route to the cafeteria in the University Centre to purchase lunch. As we were taking the wheelchair out of the building we noticed there were automatic doors for disabled access, therefore the wheelchair user found it easy to propel themselves out of the building. As an able body, I would normally take the steps when walking towards the university centre, however, with the wheelchair, we had to walk round the steps and up the slope. The road was very steep so the wheelchair user found it difficult to propel the chair without assistance. Another problem that was encountered was that there was no ramp on the pavement for the wheelchair to move onto. Moreover when trying to use the tipping lever to lift the chair the pavement height was too high to overcome, so as a result, the wheelchair had to be pushed on the edge of the road. When making our way down the road towards university centre a lot of strength was required by the attendant to control the wheelchair so it did not cause harm to the public or model. On our route towards the museum, we came across some unstable concrete that had been tiled. Since we are used to adapting and walking over whatever paving we encounter, we had forgotten to pre-plan and go around. As a result, when we took the wheelchair over the tiled flooring, the wheel got stuck in a ditch. Hence, we were faced with another problem of having to use the tipping wheel to free the chair from the snag.