Crystal Reid
Unit 4
This report I am going to introduce is a risk assessment based on everyday actives and how it can be assessed and prevented. A hazard is anything that can cause harm. A risk is how high or low that someone will be harmed by a hazard. A risk assessment is a careful examination of what could cause harm to people and the necessary precautions that would be needed to know to prevent harm. The 5 steps of carrying out a risk assessment is to firstly identify the hazard, estimate it, how you can be able to control it, then record it and finally Monitor it to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Everyday risk can be such as personal care this can be shower slips, Mobility and travel is another risk and this could be driving on the road. When at work or even in education such at being at college, a risk that can accrue could be for example a fire; another everyday active can be hobbies and leisure’s.
The first everyday activity I am going to talk about is mobility and travel. The risk could be driving, the reason why this is a hazard is because for example I could be driving and suddenly someone crosses the road without me seeing or notice that they were there and the person got hit by the car. This can be a harm to anyone from being a young child to and elderly person. If I was going to do a risk assessment on this, the first thing I could do is identify the risk. The risk in this is a speeding car, and a young or elderly person crossing the road. The next step would be to decide who might be at risk; in this everyone could actually be at risk, the child could be crossing the road without someone their guiding them and as for the elderly person, they could be just crossing the road and not being alert that a car is coming. I would then need to evaluate the risk and decide on the precautions needed. On a scale of 1-5; I would give this risk a 4, because this is very dangerous and can cause serious harm to both the elderly and the young child. The precautions that I would need to take to ensure the risk doesn’t accrue more often is to have signs up to indicate is whether there is a u turn, or bent corner And by also having crossing signs or zebra crossing for the person that is driving to know that there is someone at the crossing waiting to cross and this would cause less accidents happening and anyone getting injured. The next step I would take is to record my findings and implement on them. I would document these into a risk form and make sure that the precautions are being taken and place to help prevent the risk as soon as possible. The final step that I would take is to review the assessment and update on it if necessary. I would do this by checking back in a week or two that the precautions I have done is being completed and making sure that if something new comes up I would be able to act on it.