shoud smoking be banned in public places

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Chemistry Case study        10T2

Chloe O’Leary

Contents page


  • Introduction
  • What is in a cigarette and

 what makes it addictive?


  • What is in a cigarette and

 what makes it addictive?

Page 3

  • Smoking related illnesses
  • What does smoking do to your body

Page 4

  • Passive smoking


  • Passive smoking continued
  • conclusion

Should smoking be banned in public places?


Like it or not, smoking will be banned in all public indoor spaces in the UK by summer 2007. most people are happy about the ban however the smokers are not so happy about having to have a cigarette outside in the rain. Smoking in all indoor public places will be banned. Many places - such as cinemas and public transport - have rarely permitted smoking in recent years, and so it will be places like pubs, restaurants, nightclubs and private members' clubs that feel the biggest impact of the ban.

What is in a cigarette and what makes it addictive?

People smoke for many different reasons. Firstly, smoking is very addictive. Secondly, smokers have been influenced by the clever marketing tactics of tobacco companies for many years. There are also many other personal reasons why people smoke. Cigarettes are deliberately designed to give you a fast nicotine hit. It takes just 10 seconds for the drug to reach your brain from inhaled cigarette smoke.

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Many people claim that smoking helps them to cope with stress. But in fact, nicotine is a stimulant and won’t help you to relax. Smokers probably think a cigarette makes them feel better because when they aren’t smoking they suffer from nicotine withdrawal.

“Tobacco smoke cotains over 4000 chemicals in the form of gases and particles,” ( this is why is dosen’t just affect you but also the people surrounding you this is called passive smoking. “At least 43 of the ingredients are carcinogenic (cancer causing).” () 


Nicotine is the drug in the cigarette that makes it addictive. ...

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