Should people who smoke pay for their treatment in hospitals? It is legal for people to smoke. Scientific evidence strongly supports the view that smoking makes it much more likely that a smoker will

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Katherine Kent

Should people who smoke pay for their treatment in hospitals?

It is legal for people to smoke. Scientific evidence strongly supports the view that smoking makes it much more likely that a smoker will suffer from heart disease and cancers than a non-smoker. It should also be noted that tobacco taxes raise a huge amount of money that is available for funding the National Health Service and other government expenditure.

Cigarettes contain thousands of chemicals. Up to 600 additives and flavourings may be in a single cigarette and there are as many as 4000 chemicals that are released when a cigarette is smoked. Nicotine is the main addictive ingredient in tobacco. It is readily absorbed into the blood and gives a hit (a rush) to the brain in about 10 seconds. Nicotine produces chemicals in the brain called dopamine. It is the regular hits of nicotine that the brain comes to expect and when people quit it causes withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine is a stimulant that increases the heart rate and blood pressure - this is partly a sign that the body is trying to absorb more oxygen.

These are some of the substance that are found in cigarettes and can cause harm: Acetone is a substance that is used as a solvent to remove nail varnish; Ammonia which speeds up the delivery of the nicotine and also it freebases the nicotine in the same way as a crack user takes cocaine. Tar is deposited into the lungs every time a person inhales also, Smoking 20 or more cigarettes a day deposits 1 to 1.5 pounds into the lungs every year, Benzene is used as a solvent in fuel & dyes. This is known to cause cancer, Cadmium is used to make batteries, and Cadmium is also known to cause kidney damage. It increases the risk of developing lung cancer, Carbon monoxide is the same chemical pushed out by cars, it prevents the blood carrying oxygen around the body and a heavy smoker’s ability to carry oxygen around the body is reduced by up to 15%, Hydrogen Cyanide is yet another gas that reduces the body’s ability to carry oxygen around the body, Pyridine is a central nervous system depressant that boosts the effect of smoking.

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Here are some other examples of the many more chemical in cigarettes: Acacia gum, Acetal, Acetanisole, Acetic acid and/or its potassium and sodium salts, Acetoin, Acetone, Acetophenone, 6 Acetoxydihydrotheaspirane, Acetyl methyl cellulose.

From the above it can be seen that smoking is harmful and can cause damage to the body. Each of the chemical help in cause smoking related diseases.

Smoking causes 85 percent of all lung cancers and deaths and also about 80 percent of all obstructive pulmonary disease. 

This includes diseases like emphysema, which is when the alveoli in the lungs become damaged. The lungs ...

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