The Brain

        The brain is composed of two hemispheres, known as the left and right cerebral hemisphere. The both hemispheres have unique functions but both possess the ability to analyze sensory data, perform memory functions, learn new information, form thoughts, and make decisions. Our personality and behavior is determined on how we use these abilities and by the time we are two years old one hemisphere begins to dominate our decision-making process. The future outlook and the way we will perceive the world is mainly depending on what side that of the brain that is dominant. The majority of males are right-brain dominant and the majority of females are left-brain dominant.

        The brain also consist of three major parts, the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain. The forebrain is the largest part of the brain. The rest of the brain is the hindbrain and midbrain. The hindbrain is smaller, but still larger than the midbrain. The midbrain, the smallest, plays a major part. The frontal lobe, also know as the forebrain, controls the motor skills and also contains both left and right hemisphere. The midbrain helps relay messages to the rest of the brain from the brainstem. The hindbrain controls emotions like anger, also like the beating of the heart, and more. These are the details of each part.

The Right Hemisphere

        The functions of the right hemisphere of the brain do not appear to be involved with much communication, except to understand some words.  The right hemisphere is more involved with understanding things, such as comprehension of emotion.  Some parts are more concerned with understanding what we hear (auditory) and some parts are more concerned with helping us understand what we see.  (

        The perceptual functions of the right hemisphere are more specialized for the analysis of space and geometrical shapes and forms.  The right hemisphere is the creative half, helping us to see the whole, rather than just part of an object. (

        For example, the Temporal Lobe, which is located in the lower area, is more auditorial.  The Occipital and Parietal Lobes, found in the rear and upper areas, are for providing information on where objects are in space.  Then there is the Frontal Lobe which helps us plan our actions.  The different lobes on each individual hemisphere all have a different job.

        The functions of the right hemisphere of the brain include temporal and spatial relations, analyzing nonverbal information (such as things that you see), and communicating emotion.    “Right brain” types are known for their creativity and unpredictability.  But we also count on the right side of the brain for a number of different daily functions that depend on things such as our education and life experiences.  Here is a list of some of the different right brain functions:

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  • Uses feeling
  • The “big picture”
  • Oriented Imagination
  • Rules
  • Symbols and Images
  • Present and Future
  • Philosophy and Religion
  • Can understand the meaning of something
  • Believing
  • Appreciating
  • Risk Taking


People who use the right brain often act in the ways.  They tend to be more fantasy based and present more possibilities.  They act more impulsive than the people who use the right side.  In an experiment with children, most ranked highly creative (use of right brain) before entering school.  But since our schools focus more on math, logic and language (left brain functions), only ten percent of ...

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