Additionally, one child within the placement is also allergic to strawberries, I must
This activity doesn’t include any negative images, discrimination or offened any cultural factors as they have been thought about.
Firstly, I had asked my placement supervisor about any dietry needs of a child that would be involved within the Christmas Party. She advised me that I’m not allowed to see the children’s files due to data protection, but she would be able to find out and write down any information I may need.
Once she had given me the diety requirements, I took note of what children could and couldnt eat, and used this information to plan my menu. I wanted to make simple ‘finger’ foods to ensure that the children would be able to eat them. Sandwhiches are quick and easy to make and very popular with young children. I decided to make three different sandwiches, ham sandwiches, cheese sandwiches and cucumber sandwiches.
For those children who cannot eat pork, I had the alternative of cheese sandwiches and for those who can’t eat dairy products I had the alternative of cucumber sandwichs. This ensures that all children will be able to eat something at the party.
I also made ‘Traffic Light’ fruit kebabs. One of the children within the setting is allergic to strawberries, so I had to find a different red fruit. I chose to use red water mellon. I also used pineapple and kiwi.
The food was put out, with each sandwich on another tray to stop cross contamination. Tags that included pictures of the items were put infront of each tray to encourage the children to pick the correct food for them, though they were watched throughout to ensure they are choosing the correct food for their diet.
Overall, the activity went very well. I believe this was because every child had their individual needs met and were able to take part within the christmas party together.
I believe the best aspect of the party was that the children were allowed to go and pick their own food instead of being handed the food and told that’s what they were allowed.
I believe the worst aspect was that I had picked different foods, when really I should of made something that everyone could eat to help with confusion.