The setting were having a Christmas Party at placement, I was asked if I were able to help collect and prepair snacks for the children.

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Report for occastion with drinks or food.

Date: 19/12/2011

Group: Moles

Equipment needed:

Bread, Water, Squash, Ham, Cheese, Cucumber,  melon, kiwi, pineapple, trays, kebab stick, paper tags, pen.

Where: Moles classroom.

The setting were having a Christmas Party at placement, I was asked if I were able to help collect and prepair snacks for the children. I had to consider diety needs and cultural differences within the class before I collect all the ingredients needed.

Within my setting we have two children of the Muslim belief and also a child of the Jewlish believe that don’t eat pork and also a child who is allergic to cheese. I had to creative alternatives for these children to ensure that they were able to take part and not be left out.

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Additionally, one child within the placement is also allergic to strawberries, I must  

This activity doesn’t include any negative images, discrimination or offened any cultural factors as they have been thought about.

Firstly, I had asked my placement supervisor about any dietry needs of a child that would be involved within the Christmas Party. She advised me that I’m not allowed to see the children’s files due to data protection, but she would be able to find out and write down any information I may need.

Once she had given me the diety requirements, I took note ...

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