Understanding the symptoms of abuse and maltreatment and applying effective strategies for safeguarding children and young people

Authors Avatar by tormenteddreamer98gmailcom (student)

Health and Social Care National Extended Diploma

Understanding the symptoms of abuse and maltreatment and applying effective strategies for safeguarding children and young people.

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contents page

Page 1- Title page

Page 2- Contents page

Page 3- Physical abuse - signs & symptoms

Page 4- Physical abuse - long & short term effects

Page 5- Emotional abuse - signs & symptoms

Page 6- Emotional abuse - long & short term effects

Page 7- Social abuse - signs & symptoms

Page 8- Social abuse - long & short term effects

Page 9- Intellectual abuse - signs & symptoms

Page 10- Intellectual abuse - long & short term effects

Page 11- Response action 1 and 2

Page 12- Response action 3 and 4

Page 13- Reference list

Physical Abuse – Signs and Symptoms

signs and symptoms of physical abuse and/or maltreatment can include:

bruising on an abnormal place on a child i.e. abdomen, back and buttock. Other places would be on the cheekbones and eye sockets as these are typical more difficult places to bruise.

Bruising on a child who may not be independently mobile, means that it is unable to have been done intentionally by the child themselves.

Multiple bruise or bruises in clusters, this would suggest that the thing that caused the bruise was repeated and therefore intentionally done by someone.

Bruises of a similar shape and size that frequently appear on the child victim. This again would suggest it was purposely done because each child falling over and bruising the same spot more than a few times is highly unlikely to be a coincidence.

Bruises on the neck that look like attempted strangulation of the child. This could have been done by the child or someone else, however strangulation is not something that can be easily accidentally done.

Bruises on the ankles and wrists that look like ligature marks.

Fabricated or induced illness. i.e. being forced to take medication/substances that can harm the child.

Shaking young children and babies which can lead to non-accidental head injuries.

Physical Abuse – Long and short term effects http://www.clker.com/cliparts/x/3/A/F/L/6/sad-baby-hi.png
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Long term effects could include weakened bones. This would be because over time, as a child may be subjected to physical abuse in the form of bruises and broken bones, this could lead to permanent damage to the bones once as the child develops.

Another long term affect could be due to poisoning, where a child has been the victim to a fabricated or induced illness. This could cause them to become very ill as the medication they’d take could destroy their internal organs, and affect them in adverse ways. This type of abuse could also lead ...

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