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P1Explain key influences on personal learning processes of individuals

The way that individuals learn as adults have been found to be different to the way children learn. Adults have a wealth of experience to contribute to their learning as well as individual preferences and barriers of learning. and also the way adults learn are different to the way children learn the two of the main reasons why adult learning is different from childhood is because; adults are more likely to learn from their own personal experiences where as children has less experience then the adult. For example adults being used to independence, are more inclined to be self-directing in their learning.

Kolb cycle

*Kolb developed a theory of experiential learning that can give us a useful model by which to develop our practice. This is called The Kolb Cycle, The Learning Cycle or The Experiential Learning Cycle. The cycle comprises four different stages of learning from experience and can be entered at any point but all stages must be followed in sequence for successful learning to take place. The Learning Cycle suggests that it is not sufficient to have an experience in order to learn. It is necessary to reflect on the experience to make generalisations and formulate concepts which can then be applied to new situations. This learning must then be tested out in new situations. The child must make the link between the theory and action by planning, acting out, reflecting and relating it back to the theory.




Concrete Experience (Activist) is doing and having experiences and essentially practising something you know from the experiences, you have acquire either at school or work e.g. 

Doing experiencing

  Give them role play or a game and they are into it before you have even finished giving them the instructions.

Eager participants in discussion



Reflective Observation (Reflector) is considering and reflecting, examining and assessing of what has happened in the past, thinking of what occur and how you can improve in our everyday life. e.g.

Above all, time: to think, to watch, to ponder

Want to see how others do things first


Need some solitude to absorb ideas

Active Experimentation (Pragmatist) is development and active practice of what we have learned, we would then practice on how the experience relates to our knowledge and the effectiveness of what has happened-how its been thought about and what we are prone to do differently the next time and putting it into practice. e.g.

Activity that answers the question *what does this mean for me in the *real world?*

Opportunities to problem- solve

Concrete application

Useful tools and techniques

Abstract Conceptualisation (Theorist) is finalising and using knowledge from the experience that one has to conclude how to prevent or sustain and occurrence that has taken place. This is the significant part of the cycle. This allows you us to process new information and then you can link it to what you already know and how to prevent what has occurred.  e.g.

Ideas and abstract concepts

Knowing where something fits in with a general framework

Being stretched with new notions



Analysis and logic



Five factors that may influence how we learn:



Motivation is a desire to achieve a goal, combined with the energy to work towards that goal. Students who are motivated have a desire to undertake their study and complete the requirements of their course.

*Being a motivated student doesn*t mean you are always excited or fully committed to your study, but it does mean you will complete the tasks set for you even when assignments or practical are difficult, or seem uninteresting.However motivation can have a Hugh influence on the way we learn, individuals can be motivated by people around them e.g. parents,friends,teachers.when a person is motivated by their own family they are more likely to aim higher in order to achieve their goal, however the individual also has to be fully committed to their work.


Attitude to learning and aspiration

*Every body that enjoys learning and has a clear sense of goals that they want to achieve are more likely to have a positive attitude which will motivate them.

As individuals who has a poor past learning experiences simply because the style of teaching did not fit their learning style or where their learning needs were not met are more likely to have a negative attitude towards learning and therefore they are more likely to receive help in order to keep them on track (they will be autonomy which means they can still make the decision to leave school) individuals who feels confident with a positive attitude are more likely to achieve their goals.


*Learning Environment

Learning environment is one of the main factors that may influence our learning. In order to learn and perform with a positive attitude individuals must feel safe in their learning environment which means protected from danger, bullying-physical and verbally, or being picked on all the time by teachers. It is also important that the learning environment is physically comfortable in terms of warmth, seating and air conditioner.

Positive learning environments support the developmental needs of students not only academically but also socially and personally. These are places, such as classrooms, where children feel comfortable with themselves, safe amongst their peers and motivated to learn. Since students are unique individuals and come from a variety of * HYPERLINK "http://teaching-strategies-mentorship.suite101.com/article.cfm/social_class_in_the_classroom" *backgrounds* and experience, a positive environment may not occur naturally but require careful nurturing from the teacher or adult in charge. Rules and expectations that promote positive learning environments in the classroom are a way to help create an environment of respect and learning.


Culture and religion

Culture and religion can affect the way we learn because individuals might find it easier to only communicate with others their type.

** HYPERLINK "http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/dept/d10/asb/religion/culture.html" \t "_blank" *Culture* can be considered as the entire social heritage of man; specifically, it is the tradition of a particular human group, a way of living learned from, and shared by, the members of that group. Understanding the concept of * HYPERLINK "http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/dept/d10/asb/religion/culture.html" \t "_blank" *culture* is key to understanding human behaviour.

Religion, like culture itself, consists of systematic patterns of beliefs, values, and behaviour, acquired by people as a member of their society. These patterns are systematic because their manifestations are regular in occurrence and expression: they are shared by member of a group. Within all religions, however, there is not homogeneity; there are differences of interpretation of principles and meanings.

*Specific learning need

Learning needs assessment has a fundamental role in education and training, but care is needed to prevent it becoming a straitjacket

*It might seem self evident that the need to learn should underpin any educational system. Indeed, the literature suggests that, at least in relation to continuing professional development, learning is more likely to lead to change in practice when needs assessment has been conducted, the education is linked to practice, personal incentive drives the educational effort, and there is some reinforcement of the learning.* HYPERLINK "http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/324/7330/156?view=full&pmid=11799035" \l "B1" *1* Learning needs assessment is thus crucial in the educational process, but perhaps more of this already occurs in medical education than we suspect. The key lesson might be for those who design new systems of education and training: for example, the postgraduate education allowance system in general practice was felt to fail the profession because it did not include needs assessment and so led to ad hoc education to fulfil the time requirements of the system rather than the needs of individual doctors or the profession as a whole. On the other hand, basing learning in a profession entirely on the assessment of needs is a dangerous and limiting tactic. So a balance must be struck


M1.Analyse the impact of key influences on personal learning processes on own learning.


Intrinsic                                                        Extrinsic


Motivation       Family and personal life 

Attitude to learning and Aspiration   Learning Environment





*With or without my friends or my family support I am a very motivate person because I am clear about what I would like to be in the future and it makes me very determine to achieve my goals, my motivation to be a general nurse is fuelled by the fact that I want to travel the world to help those who are in need of my assistance. I feel like the main reason why am so motivated is because I have the chance to study and achieve my goals whilst others are unable to study for numerous reasons. Like some of them may not have the money to learn or looking after their sisters or brothers.





*Attitude to learning and aspiration

In order to achieve my goals and fulfil my dream I have to have a positive learning attitude. Whilst growing up I didn*t had any strong past learning experience because I didn*t go to school in my country. It is very important that I have a positive attitude to my learning because there is a lot of work that I need to cover.  After successfully passing and achieving my qualifications I will have to continue to develop my skills in the health and social care sector in order to gain more knowledge on new technology, policies, and code of practice.

I have to  start Going on a work placement to a general hospitals  and that would help me  to encourage me to work harder, because I was able to see real nurses in action which then made me even more determine to achieve my ambitions.

Learning Environment

*My learning environment is very important because it does affect the ways in which I learn, however my learning environment at the moment is acceptable because whilst learning I feel safe, comfortable, and really confident, I don*t feel threatened by anyone, I don*t feel like others have expectations about me or even assumptions and therefore I have a positive attitude towards my learning.

Unfortunately I can not say the say whilst being at home; it*s really hard for me to continue with my work at home because I am easily distracted by others around me, the reason for this is because  I am less motivated at home. However if I wish to achieve my goals I will need to be fully committed which means doing more at home and college is well.


Specific Learning need

*I don*t have any forms of specific learning need, I don*t find it difficult to read, write, etc. however when I first started school I was in Kenya and I was distance from everyone else simply because.  I couldn*t speak clear English; most of the time when I spoke people did not understand what it I am trying to say, so therefore I was given special support to work on my English. This was successful because when it was time for school my English was perfect I could understand everyone and everyone could understand me and it made my learning much easier.                                                                                    







Describe own knowledge skill, practice, values, beliefs and career aspiration at start of programme (p2) 

The own knowledge that which I planning for development firstly am studying BTEC national Diploma  in health and social care which that start my programme for  skill, practice, values, beliefs and career aspiration as to achieve my goal.

Area review*My description **knowledge*In normal talk I use knowledge to mean:

Knowing that (facts and information)

Knowing how (the skill to do something) and making good decisions and taking the best actions in a given situation. Which that will help my course studying  or experience as also knowledge for my life by which always to take  good  knowledge as  not keep my main for what it  as other say what they want tell people.

( formal) Relevant knowledge  that  which i had studies in English qualifications that which given me more knowledge  and know studying in health care studies such as attendance in college

(informal) which i had many  knowledge experiences for work in retail in shops, voluntary in Islamic school for teaching young children Arabic and Qur*an such as i did for placement in the course i studies work with early years children. As still to   knowledge for the course take because it wide for my studies.        **skill*The communication skills such as verbal and non- verbal language are part of the course am doing know give a wide knowledge and give more understanding e.g. how to use in health social care.

Verbal I learned write and read and speak English which is my second language and also use actives for using listening skills can be development essential skills when supporting and work with other individuals. However being able to interpret non-verbal language is also skills that can develop with practice individuals. For example   when i work in placement i did with children activities for reading story books, drawn, listening other child and work staffs in classroom. **practice*The way  practice is do two years courses  and with take placement in their course which that have written a development  plan which  identified (SMART) of outcome placement  and to consider  their health and social care for study, work and  practice.  

On practice and respect other diversity he or she.**Values and  beliefs*When receiving pointer from other   to respect to consider their individuals personal values and beliefs and e.g. if working in health care difference individual have values and beliefs to respect what he or she say, what they beliefs because humane being have different culture when take about something they may be right because the way society grow up or bankgread live.    **career aspiration* The career i had in their placement don*t want to do because I  had fear from my area and it long journey as that didn*t have choice because the work wasn*t my area .   **






(p4) describe own progress against action plan over the duration of the programme

The reflect own progress against action plan over the duration of the programme that which give me about wide of choices about how to start my own choice for what to do and  plan the experience and to prepare.  Such as learn to get more knowledge and skills that I take as that will process my study and also can learn to improve study practice. These include achieving my courses and going to university such as using the self-assessment, produce an action plan with short and long-term targets for the development of own knowledge, skills and practices and achievement of personal goals and gap, review personal progress against the action plan of the placement which will do e.g. I did one weeks placement in their nursery nurse school as is for short term placement did in the first action plan of the programme and I also like doing  this course as I know I have these skills and would be able to make a difference when caring for people example; to support and help them and their families when they are at a vulnerable state i.e. when they are going through difficult times.

I have an aunt who has now finished her nursing degree in America and she works in hospitals. Every time she calls me I ask her questions on how she started the course and how she feels about the career, she always gives me positive feedback which makes me even more motivated to reach my goal of becoming a nurse. She always talks to me about how rewarding she finds it to work with vulnerable people help them with all their physical, emotional, intellectual and social needs (I feel the same way), and she also advises me about how to represent myself and cope with the entire job role of being a nurse.

This course has also helped me a lot in making my choice to become a nurse due to all the experiences and knowledge I*ve gained. I have taken various work experiences in the health sector e.g.  I worked in a nursing home working with elderly people and people who have mental health issues. I also worked in nursery helping the children telling them stories or playing with them.  The time I spent volunteering as a nursery assistant and care worker has been very useful and valuable to me as I enjoyed my time there in both settings. These experiences made me realise how people enjoy the company of others and that helping people is a very rewarding thing to do. It also helped me understand the importance of teamwork and communication with others around you i.e. staff members and service users.  This makes me realise that I have to take aboard these skills that I have developed and utilise them when working as a nurse in the future. 





(P5) produce and reflect on own personal and professional development portfolio

(M2)Explain how the action plan has helped support own development over the duration of the programme


In my work experience I worked in nursing home. I was working with different staff and I used to start different shift like early in the morning some times afternoon I used help the patient give them food or change nappies some times I used to put make up on the ladies as a part of the work and also I used to play with them or follow them when they going out side to exercise, some times I used to feed them because some of them can*t  eat by their own hands  talk to them or listen what they saying was also part of the work give them choices some times but some times they don*t hav******女 like given them medicine. my first day at work they gi******e folders to read so I can get an idea  when ever I need to feed that person or  talking to them because some of them had a memory lost  they will talk to******ike half and a hour and la******ey don*t remember what they said to you. In my work experi****** didn*t have a one to one ******sation, because the elderl******奠there were mentally ill and find it hard to communicate******people; however the commun******n skills I improved and practise巡s to be patient.


For my work placement I worked in a ******堨ome. At this placement I attained a number a skills suc******奠contact which help me when talking to member of staff and also the elderly people, body language which was the key in m******sure that the elderly had the ri娴 to understand me being there to help them, listening w******y important for me to help******ly because I needed to know what they want and how I can h******em and my tone of voice had to be to levelled in order for******to understand what I wanted them to do. I also interacted with s塦f members which were professional in their jobs. I communicated with them, using formal and professional behaviour, i.e******堦ormal/ professional and polite language, I did not use ******opriate language, such a s******g inappropriately in *slang** or swearing. I presented myself very professionally, as I was very polite, open and worked a******de all staff members happi******h no problems.  As being a student in the setting it was m****** to do what they told me t******.g. help make breakfast or help prepare lunch for the serv******岳  etc*I would also greet everyone in the morning by say******寤 morning* with a smile  to everyone within the setting. As a part of the work I used to******with some one all the time becau奠you can*t work by your self in case anything happens. They ha場hree sections one called the 奸tension site* the other called the *office site* and th******d site upstairs. I would a******寲k in every site depending on 娯 I need to care for. Some times myself and another person wil堣ook for them and some times if I am not cooking I have ******an after lunch or tea break.  Afternoon times I used help ******pervisor to give patient m******ions, some of the patients can*t eat because they very ill******ey have to be fed by us (m****** staff members) at all tim******The people I was working with where really nice people because I felt like I was one of the employers who work there, even the m审ger was really good and I learn a lot while working in the setting, e.g. how to listen ******岳 and to understand their pers审lity/mentality. While I was working there I used to rem******that every one has different culture and beliefs so you have to 女pect that. 

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While I was working in the setting I also******nicated with service users, but not with many due to their psychological illnesses. However, eve場hough most of them had mental illnesses I would also ask them巨at they would like to eat in the morning and before lun******寵ld also sit down with a few elderly people, talk to them and 峫 them for example; how are yo場oday?*, *would you like me to bring you anything?*, *wh******嵲 favourite activity?* or *would you like me to put your******up on?* etc*  I also under****** conversation with elderly women named Catharine who had a******l illness and ...

This is a preview of the whole essay