Use examples to explain how body systems interrelate with each other

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Use examples to explain how body systems interrelate with each other

The writer is using two scenarios to explain how body systems interrelate with each other.  Karen started training for the London marathon and suddenly discovered that she was always hungry and her cheeks developed a pink complexion.  Michael is a reasonably fit 18-year-old student but he finds that he gets out of breath when running to catch the bus because he was late getting up.

Karen is experiencing the long term effects of regular exercise; Karen has developed a pink complexion due to vasodilation.  This is when the veins carrying warm blood back to the heart divert the blood nearer the skins surface.  This heat is then lost through radiation through the skin. Karen is finding that she is hungry more often as the energy provided by the food she consumes is used mostly by her muscles to supply the body with continuous movements.  

Keeping fit helps to prevent major diseases that develop with age.  It reduces the risk of heart disease, strokes and diabetes, it can protect against cancer.  Exercise lowers and cholesterol levels, and maintains bone strength to guard against .

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Respiration is the release of energy by “burning” glucose in the presence of oxygen.  To carry out respiration the body needs glucose and energy, glucose can be sourced in the food which all individuals eat; oxygen is supplied from the air which is breathed in.  All humans have to breathe to take in oxygen from the air and get rid of carbon dioxide; this is known as gas exchange.  This leads to aerobic respiration for Karen and anaerobic for Michael.  

Aerobic respiration is a chemical reaction that occurs inside the mitochondria structures in cells.  This is glucose + ...

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