Using examples from work experience, evaluate the effectiveness of policies and procedures for promoting health, safety and security.

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P3- Describe how policies and procedures promote health, safety and security in the health and social care workplace.
M1-Explain how legislation, policies and procedures are used to promote health, safety and security of individuals in health and social care workplace.
D1- Using examples from work experience, evaluate the effectiveness of policies and procedures for promoting health, safety and security.

*Consider why it is necessary to have health and safety legislation, policies and procedures, rather than just training workers and assuming everyone will work to high standards.
*What consequences might be if legislation, policies and procedures are followed?
*Think more widely than about just the accidents and illnesses that might occur
*Use examples from work experience
* Consider what evidence might show that policies and procedures are effective. Where might this evidence come from? How could obtain this information without causing offence?
* Describe how policies operate in a work
*Include risk assessment, roles and responsibilities, manual handling operations regulations 1992, care standards.
* Interview a professional
* Provide a case study as evidence

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For this assignment I am going to be talking how polices and procedures can promote health, safety and security within a work place. I am also going to be describing what illnesses and injuries should be prevented by following specific policies and procedures. I am going to be talking about Health and Safety at work, Manual Handling Regulations, Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995, The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSSH) 2002 and Food Safety Regulations 1990 and also the Child Protection Policy.

The Health and Safety at Work Act (HSW) 1974 is a ...

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This essay does not really meet the title that is listed. It really only states the different acts with some reference to policies. It does not contain any evaluation at all. The content of the acts is sound and could easily be expanded and applied to the setting to enhance the work. ***