
What Is Anorexia???

Anorexia is an eating disorder characterised by extreme dieting to the point of starvation and an anorexic person is unable to discriminate between normal and abnormal body images. It is commonest among young girls and may be caused by social, genetic or psychological factors, or a combination of these.

The incidence of anorexia is increasing but it is not known whether this is due to better reporting and diagnosis of anorexia or whether it is increasing in real terms.

Anorexia is commonest in women between 10 and 30 years of age. In rare cases, it can present in adulthood or before puberty. Many more girls than boys are affected and it is only seen in countries where thinness is considered desirable.

Research suggests that young people who diet during early adolescence are at particular risk of developing eating disorders later in life.

What Are The Causes Of Anorexia???

Psychological/emotional factors. Anorexia has been variously described as 'the slimmer's disease', 'a relentless pursuit of thinness' and 'a morbid fear of fatness'. However, for many sufferers anorexia is not just about dieting or losing weight, rather it is an outward sign of deep psychological and emotional turmoil. Their behaviour may be an unconscious attempt to avoid or control painful feelings, a way of asserting control over life or a reaction to stress.

Psychological characteristics that can make a person more likely to develop anorexia nervosa include, low self-esteem, Feelings of ineffectiveness, Need to feel special or unique, Avoidance of conflict with others, Physical or sexual abuse, Perfectionism, Need for control, Rigid thinking patterns, Difficulty expressing feelings, Depression, Poor body image.

Social pressure in society can also be a factor for anorexia. Stick thin magazine fashion models as well as skinny teen pop idols all help reinforce the idea that to be successful or loved you have to be thin. In many societies, being extremely thin is the standard of beauty for women and represents success, happiness, and self-control. Women are bombarded with messages from the media that they must diet to meet this standard. However, this idealized ultra-thin body shape is almost impossible for most women to achieve since it does not fit with the biological and inherited factors that determine natural body weight. This conflict leaves most women very dissatisfied with their body weight and shape.
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More recently, pressure has also increased on men to be lean and muscular. In addition, in certain occupations (such as dancing, modelling, and sports like gymnastics, figure skating, running, and wrestling), the pressure to maintain a specific weight and appearance is especially strong. To the right is a picture of Paris Hilton. This is the type of image that teenagers are constantly exposed to. The pressure is on for them for look like their idol so can fell "normal". The image of Paris Hilton is deemed to be normal in western society

People with anorexia nervosa often ...

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