CPD is an important aspect of self development and should be valued by people that are focused on improving themselves even once achieved the career goals they had been hoping for. It helps to improve any work based setting and the service it provides, being essential for management of people. it can be applied not only to those who are within a working role but to volunteers but mainly it provides a shared responsibility. For practitioners to develop their skills and knowledge and for employers to provide a range of learning opportunities. Investing in ongoing learning and development has a direct and positive impact on children and families. there are some core concepts of CPD which include the fact that the learner should always be in control. that it is a holistic process in which can aim to improve all aspects of life and the balance between them. it is important to regularly look forward to how we would hope to be and to reflect on how we are. therefore we can work from our current position towards achieving our goals. a key aspect of CPD is Self-assessment this is important because in everyday life working for any company it enables a person to overcome problems and difficult situations giving them the confidence to do so.
in order for me to further improve my knowledge, skills and experience i need to reflect on my professional role within my child care setting. within the placement i have become part of a team in which helps to support and encourage the children. during this time i had come into contact with many practitioners in which helped me to gain more knowledge on working within a child care setting and experience this. I try to work in a supportive yet laid back manner in which the children know they can come to me for help as i am always there to listen and encourage them yet I do not dominate them and try to take over any activities the children may be participating in. I have found that children learn best when they have the opportunity to think independently and are encouraged to do so. i try not to let the children become reliant on me as an adult figure to turn to whenever they are unable to do something straight away. as this prevents them from developing as individuals and becoming self motivated and enthusiastic about learning, which is an important value to have from a young age.
i think that I have developed my communication skills particularly well and within a child care setting this is an important factor. contact with other adults within a nursery is inevitable and therefore i have developed this skill on a regular basis.
communicated with childre
learnt how to talk to the adults within the settin appropriatly
good communication between adutls is important in order for the children to learn and develop within the environment
found a line between being a childs friend and authoritve figure so that we shared a mutual respect and the children were able to listen to me when i give them instructions and i listen to them when they have a problem etc
In order to further develop as a child care professional i need to improve on..... and apply bullet point below to this
What other ways of doing this do I know?
- Are there alternative approaches I have heard of?
- What would happen if I did things differently?
I should set myself a professional development plan in which consists of goals and targets i will need to meet. I could
Your professional development plans should consist of:
- Setting yourself goals and targets
- Deciding how you are going to move towards your goals and targets- what action you are going to take
- Identifying the people who can help you
Deciding how you will monitor your progress