Write a report on the legalisation of Cannabis.

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Write a report on the legalisation of Cannabis.

There is a huge amount of evidence to show that cannabis can be helpful in pain relief, especially in cases of joint (pun)problems. Yet it remains illegal and is not prescribed by doctors.

On the other hand, there?s very little evidence that it's harmful, even if used for pleasure rather than pain. Many more people are killed by alcohol, tobacco, and prescribed medication than are killed by cannabis. Having searched the Internet to research this op, I've not found one single death that can be directly blamed on cannabis.

Oddly, Heroin, a drug that has ruined so many lives, is illegal, and has caused huge amounts of crime, heartache and death, can be prescribed as a painkiller.

I feel that decriminalising drugs (and this could work for other drugs as well as cannabis) could make them safer. It would be easier to regulate what goes into them (much hashish is mixed with other things to bulk it out, or add weight). Sometimes, they are mixed with harmful substances, even poisonous ones. If cannabis was decriminalised, it could be made safer.

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Also, many people watching casualty or Holby city on a regular basis will have seen cases of drugged people being violently ill, and not admitting what caused the problem. If cannabis does cause any dangerous side effects, at least if it was legal people would have no hesitation in telling their doctor what was wrong with them.

if it was legalised, there are other benefits. If hemp was grown in this country, it has a huge number of uses.1 acre of hemp fibre can produce as much fibre as 2 or 3 acres of cotton. Hemp fibre is much ...

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