Illustrate how to promote service users` rights and responsibilities.
Assessment Objective One Illustrate how to promote service users` rights and responsibilities. In care settings the term quality practice is used to describe the promotion of service users` rights, which are essentially the same rights that are afforded to everyone else, such as the right to marry and freedom of expression; Care workers must actively promote the rights of service users in order to maintain quality practice. For this assignment I am going to discuss three rights that service users have; the right to make complex decisions, to make their own choices and to dignity and privacy, and why it is important that these rights are upheld. In the latter part of this assignment the tensions that can arise in care settings will be examined, as well as possible solutions. Service users have the right to make complex decisions Service users should be encouraged to make decisions for themselves and must always be consulted on matters that will affect them. If a carer makes decisions for a service user without first gaining their input, then this would be in violation of the service users` individual rights under article three of the Human Rights Act, (Fisher, 2006). If a service user has difficulty with making decisions then they could benefit from having an advocate appointed. An advocate could be someone close to the service user, such as a friend, family member or
p1: explain the purpose and role of research for the health and social care sector
P1: Explain the purpose and role of research for the health and social care sectors. Research is an intellectual investigation to get a greater knowledge or understanding of events, behaviours and theories. Research is very active and systematic process of inquiry aimed at revising, discovering and interpreting facts and also for law establishment and theories. Many organisations have research as an essential tool, though it is exceptional in the health and social care industry. Research in health and social care is for: * Demographic. Prior to planning the delivery of services. Establishing population patterns and statistics. * Epidemiology. Exploring patterns of disease. * Quality assurance. Feedback from service user about service. * Hypothesis. Exploring theories. * Knowledge. To extend understanding of theories * Reviewing and monitoring changes in practice. When health and social care practitioners are planning a new service they need to do research which focuses on the demographic data such as: population size, age, gender etc. This is so the practitioners can predict and plan for the future. Epidemiology investigates the cause, prevalence and spread of disease. Therefore the feedback from this research is very important and it is to help develop strategies to prevent and treat diseases. An example of this research is the United Kingdom Childhood Cancer
Explain two specific behaviors using psychological perspectives
P4 - Explain two specific behaviors using psychological perspectives P5 - Use examples to explain the contribution of psychological perspectives to the management and treatment of two specific behaviors M3 - Analyze the role of psychological perspectives in understanding the two specific behaviors Introduction In this assignment I will be explaining two specific behaviors using psychological perspectives. In this part I will be talking about phobias and fears, and OCD. Every behavior of an individual has an explanation with psychological perspectives which makes us understand the behavior in more depth and why the individual is behaving accordingly. There are quite a few psychological perspectives that I have learnt about throughout my lessons. These are behaviorist, social learning theory, psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive, developmental and biological. All of these perspectives explain a certain behavior in a unique way to others, however some can be explained together and others on their own. Phobia and fears This is my first specific behavior which I will explain by giving three psychological perspectives. Phobia is an excessive fear or unreasonable irrational fear. However a fear is an unpleasant reaction when face-to-face with real danger. It could be towards someone, object, place, situation etc. there are many types of phobias which are towards all sorts
Unit 5-The principles underpinning the role of the Practitioner working with children
Unit 5-The principles underpinning the role of the Practitioner working with children Section 1 E1 Practitioners have the responsibility to maintain a professional relationship with children, families, colleagues and other professionals in a range of settings. When working in early years setting you will be expected to work with other professionals that may be on the same site as yourself or from the community where they will be required to come into your setting. For example if a practitioner is working in a children's centre a speech therapist may work on the same site but is you work on a small rural nursery the therapist may visit your setting regularly when required. When working as an early year's practitioner there will be codes of practice that underpin your practice. These will state how you as a professional are expected to conduct yourself within your role. Codes of practice are not the law but are set out by the employer for all employees to comply with within the setting, and will be relevant to pieces of legislation. Your employer will guide you through the codes of practice set out and they will also be available in your staff handbook. Codes of practice should be referred to and reflected upon frequently as a matter of good practice and to improve your own learning and performance. For example working in childcare you will find codes of practice related
Health and saftey in enviroment
Health and Safety Survey Survey on Health and safety in a local environment. Health and safety is an extremely important topic which every workplace and organisation must concentrate on, as part of my assignment I carried out a survey in the college canteen to identify all the hazards in that environment and all the risks from each hazard. Corridor Upon walking to the canteen I noticed that the corridors were extremely narrow, only enough space to fit two people walking side by side down there, this was no way enough space to fit a wheelchair person comfortably down with enough room for another person passing. Service users are risk of being injured by others banging into them, wheelchair users running into them, wheelchair users hitting themselves on walls, blind service users being pushed around when walking down the corridor and generally all service users finding it difficult to get down the corridor to the canteen. This hazard could be overcome by simply making the corridor wider; this would allow a wheelchair user and another service user to pass comfortably past each other without being at risk of injuring themselves. Spillage Secondly immediately on entering the canteen I noticed a rather large drink spillage which was right in the path of service users wanting to walk to get food, this is a serious hazard. Service users were at risk of slipping and falling over
The Role of Energy in the Body and the Physiology of Three Named Body Systems in Relation to Energy Metabolism.
The Role of Energy in the Body and the Physiology of Three Named Body Systems in Relation to Energy Metabolism. I am going to describe the role of energy in the body and the physiology of three named body systems in relation to energy metabolism. Also I am going to explain the physiology of three named body systems in relation to energy metabolism. Energy Metabolism. Metabolism is the sum of all the chemical reactions occurring in human physiology and these will involve using or releasing energy from chemical substances. Roles of Energy in the Body. Energy is necessary for muscular activity and movement as you probably already know, however, energy is also necessary: * to circulate blood, lymph and tissue fluid throughout the body; * for breathing and taking in oxygen; * for making new cells for carrying out growth and repair; Also, * it is used to transmit nerve impulses so that we can respond to changes in the environment and; * it is needed to build different complex molecules such as enzymes and hormones from the simple molecules produced after diagnosis of food. Energy Supply to the Cells. The activities involved in energy supply include the roles of the: * Cardiovascular; * Respiratory, and; * Digestive systems. Further through I will be talking about the above in more detail but first, here is an overall view. The digestive system is responsible