It was the weakness of the Provisional Government that brought the October Revolution about rather than the strengths of the Bolsheviks

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“It was the weakness of the Provisional Government that brought the October Revolution about rather than the strengths of the Bolsheviks”

The seizure of the power by the Bolsheviks in October 1917 has long been debated by historians. There are many reasons for the ‘revolution’ occurring with different schools of historical thought emphasising different ones as being the most significant. Although some would definitely argue that the Bolsheviks had many strengths by October 1917, others would argue that the party were ‘pushing against an already open door’ with the Provisional government being too weak to continue.

The Provisional government had many weaknesses, from its’ very creation  following the Tsar’s abdication in February. The very nature of the ‘Provisional’ government meant it was only seen as a temporary body until elections were held for the Constituent Assembly in November. This meant that people had little respect for the members and the decisions made by them. The make up of the government also damaged the potential it could have. The Petrograd Soviet and the government ruled under the ‘Dual Authority’ system. However this meant it was impossible for the socialists and liberals to agree on any decision with both having such diverse interests. Despite this arrangement it was the Soviet who had more direct power symbolised in Soviet Order Number One. It was impossible for a government to be taken seriously if they could not command the army without a Soviet agreeing. Being unable to enforce decisions by force inevitably weakened the government’s position.

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The Liberal school of thought would focus on the workings of the government and highlight their weaknesses as a reason for the Bolshevik takeover. These Western writers at the time of the Cold War would have many reasons for this interpretation of events. Firstly, they were writing in a pre glasnost age where documents were still highly censored and with the Communist state still dominant in Russia it was easy to find documents that purported the idea of a weak and incompetent government unwilling to listen to the people. Secondly, they would be unwilling to highlight the strengths of ...

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