Asses the role of Nicholas II in the fall of the Romanov Dynasty

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Asses the role of Nicholas II in the fall of the Romanov Dynasty

Politically Tsar Nicholas II was poorly prepared for the position and when he was placed in power he was an indecisive autocrat being easily influenced by others and always making poor decisions. Czar Nicholas II was ill-prepared to receive the crown when his father died in 1894. His inability to rule effectively was compounded by a number of difficult events during his reign.

In February 1904, Japan launched a surprise attack on the Russian Pacific squadron at Port Arthur. This event marked the start of war between Russia and Japan which ended the next year with a humiliating defeat for Tsar Nicholas II forces. This loss showed the government’s inability to cope with the economic and administrative problems of the war exposed to the Nicholas leadership inability to govern effectively. This was the start of the fall of the Romanov Dynasty which brought out the ineffective and unable side of Nicholas II.

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Defeats in Crimea and in Manchuria had cast some doubt on the capacity of the Russian army to deal with foreign opponents, and mutinied during 1905 had shown that its willingness to suppress internal dissent was not absolute. The army was by large an impressive instrument of the royal, but by March of 1917 this was no longer the case. The political significance of the army was transformed. Instead of being a responsive instrument for defending the existing system, it became a huge military school for peasants, industrial workers whose situation and political outlook made them hostile to the existing ...

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