Question 2) Assess the impact that Lenin had on Russia and the Russion people. (8)
To know why Lenin had such a big impact on Russia and its people, we first have to go back in history even further. We’ll then find out why Lenin was successful in fulfilling his aims and ideas.
Already in 1914, Russia is having trouble at home, which keeps it out of the First World War. Keeping the soldiers supplied meant that civilians went hungry, and although the Tsar Nicholas II took personal command of the army, that didn’t change the fact the people turned against him. Many soldiers were supporters of the revolutionary Bolshevik party, because the Tsar was unable to keep them satisfied either. Finally, in March 1917 Russia collapsed into revolution. The Tsar was overthrown and a new Provisional Government ruled Russia. This government promised to carry on the war, but soon found out that neither the will or the resources were there. In November 1917 the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, took power and pulled out of the war. This was very easy, because there were no massive demonstrations demanding the return of Kerensky (the Justice Minister in the Provisional Government) and the Provisional Government was very unpopular. Lenin’s policy is known as the ‘April Theses’, which can be summed up in the words ‘Peace, Bread and Land’. He introduces the New Soviet State with a one party rule. Other political parties such as the Mensheviks, the Socialist Revolutionaries and the Kadets were weakened by the arrest of their leaders and the closing down of their newspapers. This is the first major impact Lenin had on Russia: it is now run by a totalitarian dictatorship.