Assess the reasons for the decline in frequency of Tudor rebellions

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Assess the reasons for the decline in the frequency of rebellion in Tudor England.

During the course of the Tudor period, the frequency of rebellions fluctuated greatly, however it can be argued that they were mainly concentrated at the beginning of the era. For example during the reign of Henry VII, he faced six serious revolts, three of which were dynastic and Henry VIII had to deal with two of the most popular revolts of the time, the Amicable Grant (1525) and the Pilgrimage of Grace (1536). This comes as no surprise as the battle of Bosworth and the rocky establishment of the Tudor dynasty made their position on the throne exceedingly vulnerable due to numerous pretenders and claimants seeking to overthrow the crown. Arguably, 1550 marked a major turning point in the frequency of rebellions as there were only 5 rebellions in England from then on till 1603, possibly due to the Elizabethan church settlement, the changing attitude of the ruling elite and the improved maintenance of political stability under Mary and Elizabeth. Nevertheless it is difficult to pinpoint the exact reason for the decrease in rebellion occurrence.

It can be maintained that when the Tudor establishment became more secure, alternative claimants to the throne ‘died out’ and people became more accustomed to the Tudor rule. Henry VII took steps to try and eliminate dynastic threats by executing Suffolk and any surviving members of the de la Pole family. This worked to some extent as by the time Edward VI ascended the throne in 1537, there were no more rival claimants.

Many people learned to live with their minor grievances and followed the changing attitudes of the ruling elite, more and more, arguments were resolved in courts which prevented the outbreak of uncontrolled rebellion.

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Also¸ it can be argued that a lack of foreign support in the latter Tudor years was a reason for the decline in rebellion frequency as numerous rebellions had counted upon foreign backing. Nearly all challenges to Henry VII had an element of foreign support, for example Simnel had 2000 troops from Ireland. Later however, backers such as Margret of Burgundy were not prepared to supply large amounts of troops and funds, suggesting that there was awareness that the enterprise was doomed to failure, foreign powers were not prepared for loss. Instead they settled for nuisance value and prevented ...

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This essay simply tries to cover too much and the result is that some points are not supported with factual detail and in places the explanations are very short and needed developing considerably. the writer should have selected about three key reasons and examined these in more depth looking at the links between them and establishing a strong analysis of the reasons for the decline in rebellion. This writer needed to be more selective and not try to fit in so many reasons.