Battling western democracy

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   Michael M. Scheng

Battling western imperialism

From enemies to friends                                        

Niko Miholič

Smer študija:1. letnik Politologija, teoretsko analitska

Datum oddaje: 3. Januar 2005

Predmet: Angleščina, mag. Nina Gorenc

Vpisna številka: 21040587

Dan oddaje: 3. Januar 2005






Glossary of terms………………………………………………………………….7


The seminar study deals with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s relations with the United States and the Soviet Union in the fifteen years before the proclamation of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in October 1949. The story starts from Mao Zedong's rise to power within the Party in 1935. When the story ends, Mao had become the paramount leader of the new republic and was about to go to Moscow to forge a military alliance with Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union. Between these two decades, the CCP was in a coalition with  Chinese People's Party, named Guomindang (GMD), which was constantly under attack by Japanese from without and the CCP from within the Chinese borders. After the collapse of the ancient dynasty system in 1911, the nation was divided in two streams. After the second world war, Mao became the ultimate Chinese leader in 1949.



Mao's attitude toward the United States switched drastically before Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. Why? The answer can be found in the CCP's ideology, its relations with Moscow, and its domestic politics. When the CCP was founded in the early 1920s under the Comintern's direction, it was born antiimperialist in general and anti-American in particular.

        The Chinese communists and the GMD were fighting for the throne, but after the Japaneese attack on China, they had to step together in a coalition. The United States have been supporting the GMD all the time. They had economic interest in China, but only GMD was their ally. The CCP was an ideological enemy to the United States. The latter had been directed from Moscow since the year 1921. One of the intentions of the United States was to dominate the Chinese economic market. They had imperialistic plans, but the United States were not the only one, the Japanese and the British also had the so-called evil plans. The Americans and the Japanese were bribing different Chinese fractions and cliques. The CCP spread the idea, that China would become a western colony and its people their slaves. The CCP feared, that the United States would  attack USSR with their ally Japan. They thought so, until the attack on Pearl Harbor.

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        Moscow’s and CCP’s radicalism was about to change in the year 1935. Stalin pursued a collective security system with the Anglo American powers against the frightened German Italian Japanese powers. The CCP agreed with this system, but they were also scared that if the United States helped China, they would send the material and funds to the GMD. With that help, the GMD would have enough power to wipe out the CCP. Mao would agree only, if the United States helped both parties and together they could defeat Japan and it would also be a benefit for the whole Chinese ...

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