Britains Contribution In Europe To The Winning Of The Second World War

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Britains Contribution In Europe To The Winning Of The Second World War.

It was stated by the President of Russia at the time that there where three factors of Britain winning the Second World War, the first was America who provided the money, next was Britain who proved the time and last was Russia who provided the Blood.

President Stalin, the Russian president commanded Russia through the Second World War. He was thought to be a excellent war-time president, as was Churchill. During the war Russia lost 25 Million men and woman to the war effort. This is where the ‘BLOOD’ came from.

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The main contribution to the war effort was between the time when we evacuated from Dunkirk until Russia entered the war in early 1941. This was the period known as ‘Britain Alone’. At this time we had three choice, give into the German forces, Fight on or come to an agreement. As we were under Churchill at this time we of course decided to fight on. The Germans had hoped that we would come to an agreement. This as they assumed that as we are we are from the same origin as them we would come to an agreement. ...

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