Conflict in Vietnam, c.1963-75

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Conflict in Vietnam, c.1963-75

Why did the USA become involved in Vietnam?

  • After the Second World War Vietnam was returned to the French, the former colonial power. The French became involved in a struggle with the communist Vietminh.

  • In 1950 the French government appealed to the US for support. By 1953 the USA was paying 70% of the costs of the war and spent $300,000,000 altogether.

  • The USA wanted to prevent areas of the world falling under Communist influence. The Cold War was at its height in the late 1940s and early 1950s, when the French appealed to the USA for aid. The US government saw Vietnam as another Korea.

  • Once the US became involved, it sent more and more aid in an effort to prevent all its investment being lost.

  • After the French left in 1954, the USA continued to support the south, even after Diem seized power. US politicians came to believe in the 'Domino Theory'. This was the belief that if on country fell to communism, its neighbours would follow.

  • In 1956 John Kennedy wrote in a book that he was convinced the South Vietnam was essential to the freedom of the entire region of South East Asia. This was despite the fact the under Diem, South Vietnam was anything but free.

  • Eisenhower sent US military advisers to help the South Vietnamese army, but these did not actually take part in the fighting.

  • When he became president in 1961, Kennedy increased the number of military advisors from 700 to 15,000.

  • Kennedy had been embarrassed by the failure of the Bay of Pigs and wanted to retaliate for the building of the Berlin Wall.

  • By 1963 Diem’s rule in South Vietnam was so corrupt that he was facing continuous opposition. Several Buddhist monks burned themselves to death in protest.

  • Diem faced opposition from trade unions and a general strike was called.

  • Kennedy threatened to withdraw military aid and then backed a plot by South Vietnamese generals to arrest Diem. He was murdered just three weeks before Kennedy’s own assassination.

How did US policy change under President Johnson?

  • Kennedy’s successor, Johnson, visited South Vietnam and went much further. He increased US support to 23,000 men. Johnson became determined to send combat troops to Vietnam.
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  • In August 1964 the USA claimed that US warships had been attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin.  In January 1965 the CIA staged a landing of North Vietnamese troops.

  • Johnson was able to use this as an excuse to start ‘Operation Rolling Thunder’. This was the beginning of heavy aerial bombing of North Vietnam. He hoped that saturation bombing would force the North Vietnamese to give up.

  • Three weeks later, in March 1965, Johnson sent the first US combat troops to Vietnam. Over the next few years the numbers of Americans in South Vietnam increased to ...

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