Did Germany cause World War One?

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Did Germany cause World War One?

The polarities of the question on War origins can be summed up in two phrases: Germany planned and caused the War and The nations of Europe stumbled into War. Between these two extremes is a broad central position which, historians have been debating for years. While no one nation can entirely hold responsibility for the War, some nations hold more responsibility than others. For centuries, historians have had swinging opinions on the matter. In the 1920s and 30s, German historians managed to turn the page and succeeded in proving the ‘War guilt’, announced in 1919, at the treaty of Versailles, as being unfair. Naturally, later in the 1940s British historians found ways to prove the German historians of the 20s and 30s wrong. More recently, in the 1960s a German historian, Fritz Fischer, renewed accusations for German responsibilities for War, basing them on German expansionist aims from early in the century.

At no point is Germany the sole carrier of responsibility for the War, but from all perspectives, Germany is by far the most contributing. The German responsibility out balances all other nations.

Many historians, reflecting on the War, have taken a traditional viewpoint that, ‘All the governments were responsible for tension, which exploded at the July crisis of 1914.’ But not all governments were equally responsible. The German government held the majority of responsibility for the pre-war tension. Germany was far more responsible for War because of its decisions during the pre-war times in 1903 –1913.

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According to Fischer, ‘Germany willed the War in 1914 in order to release expansionist ambitions and to resolve an acute domestic crisis. The overseas policy pursued by Germany since 1897 had failed to produce the desired results in the form of a Central African Empire.’ The Kaiser planned to expand German territories by colonization, as other Major European nations had been doing. The Kaisers second plan was to eliminate the ‘increasing domestic crisis.’ The Kaisers regime was weakening by 1912-13 because of the increase in votes that the socialist party, SPD, was receiving. The new, supposedly revolutionary aims the party ...

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