Do you agree that the wartime alliance between the USA and the Soviet Union during WW2 was bound to fail once the war ended?

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Do you agree that the wartime alliance between the USA and the Soviet Union during WW2 was bound to fail once the war ended?

The members of the wartime alliance were very different prior to and throughout WW2, particularly in their attitudes towards each other, their own country and the rest of the world and it was this that continuously threatened the stability of the alliance. The result was that the alliance collapsed within 2 months of the war ending, leaving behind bitter enemies of USA and USSR before the start of the Cold War.

The wartime alliance was based primarily on pragmatism and expediency, which worked for the duration of the war. Both the USA and the Soviets in particular hated Hitler and it therefore seemed natural for an alliance to be formed. However it was not based on ideology; something both countries displayed as being very strong but also very different.

The USA was a capitalist country committed to the individual pursuit of wealth seeing this as the rationale for society. The USSR on the other hand was very communist believing in shared, collective wealth and the strength of society as a whole. With ideologies that were poles apart, the main powers of the alliance were quite an incompatible combination. The west particularly despised communism and prior to the war during the 1930’s growth of Germany liked the idea of a strong Germany to act as a buffer to the Soviets and their communist influence. Similarly throughout the war the west was reluctant to send western troops to help the Russians, wanting them to be weakened by their war effort and would therefore be less likely to attempt to spread communism.

One of the key reasons for the prevention of the spread of communism for the west was the loss in trade. Communist countries do not trade with capitalist countries. Therefore as more countries become communist, the capitalist market for trade shrinks and with it the opportunity for exploitation. The west were unsure as to how widespread the communist influence was throughout Europe but it they knew that the potential loss of such a large consuming body such as Europe would have had devastating effects economically.

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It is because of the west failing to act and support Russia during the war that Stalin began to suspect the west of setting him up. During WW2 25 million Russians died fighting the Nazis in comparison to the 400,000 men lost from USA. Unsurprisingly, Stalin became suspicious of the west’s motives and believed them to be determined to crush the Soviet Union. The suspicions held by Stalin were mutual with the west who began to see Stalin as the new Hitler, intent on spreading communism throughout Europe. Stalin had become bitter following the huge losses to the USSR and ...

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