The abolition of the Treaty of Versailles; the thought of this treaty being overturned would be appealing to most if not all german citizens as Germany lost land which they'd fought very hard over. They would also regain their identity, land and army, as well as stopping the payments they apparentley owed to all other countries involved in the war for either starting the war or the damge caused by war.
There was a nationwide desire to overturn the Treaty of Versailles and restore German greatness. The treaty was a massive blow to the nationalists pride and the Nazi ideology used this as an aim to tap into the nationalism.
Help for small shops and businesses; large department stores* must be closed down; this links in that no Jew can be a german citizen as the party aimed to appeal to a broad range of german workers, and sought to protect small shopkeepers and workers from foreigners and Jews.
* most department stores were owned by Jews.
Hitler envisioned the ideal German society as a Volksgemeinschaft, a racially unified and hierarchically organized body in which the interests of individuals would be strictly subordinate to those of the nation, or Volk. Like a military battalion, the people’s community would be permanently prepared for war and would accept the discipline that this required.
Through this community, the Nazis sought to overcome the divisions of society. According to the Nazis, the Volksgemeinschaft was meant to unify Germans according to race or blood. Strangely enough, many of the categories that did not fit Hitler's definition of the Volk were not related to race or blood at all, but ideology and lifestyle.
Nationalism; An extreme form of this, marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries.
Socialism; A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Volksgemeinschaft would bring both ideas together as Germans would become more powerful within volkgemeinschaft and also by having the point to help small businesses would inforce the idea of distributing money more equally throughout the country.
Nazi Ideology was all a way of regaining power for Germany in Hitlers eyes. He wanted to appeal to as many people as possible with his 25 point programme which meant him trying to impress all groups of people, although he didn't believe in some of the points he made.