"Henry won his throne solely due to the actions of the Stanleys & Northumberland" Due you agree with this view?

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“Henry won his throne solely due to the actions of the Stanleys & Northumberland” Due you agree with this view?  (24 marks)

Thomas Stanley, Henry’s stepfather, Sir William Stanley, Henry’s step uncle, and the Earl of Northumberland did contribute to Henry VII’s victory at the Battle of Bosworth. His victory in the Battle with the aid of the Stanleys and Northumberland helped him secure his throne.

On the morning of August 22 1485 the two armies of King Richard III and Henry Tudor confronted each other on the field just outside the small village of Market Bosworth. Henry’s forces were numbered about 6000 and Richard’s forces were numbering them two to one. Sir William Stanley held the position north of the battlefield where he would wait observing the battle centrally between the two armies. King Richard stationed his army along the ridge of Ambien Hill where he waited in the centre. Northumberland requested his forces to be positioned to the rear surveying Stanley’s men. It was Henry who initiated the attack. The battle continued for two hours, the losses heavy on Richard’s side. The turning point came when Richard himself decided to strike at Henry and he nearly succeeded killing Henry’s Horse. At this crucial moment Lord Stanley entered the battle killing Richard. Richard’s death ended the battle and the leaderless Yorkists retreated.

Before Battle commenced, Richard questioned Stanley’s loyalty. If he should join the side of Henry he would kill his son Lord Strange. In response Stanley replied that he would not join the side of Richard and that he had other sons. The order was given to behead Strange but it was never carried out. Henry’s stepfather; Thomas Stanley Earl of Derby also betrayed Richard as he married Margaret Beaufort bringing support on and off the field as well as money for Henry. This betrayal of the Stanleys made doubts and lowered morale for the fighting supporters of Richard. This portrayed Richard as weak and he faced rebellion before the battle begun. Stanley’s intervention on the battlefield greatly helped Henry, as he not only saved his life but he also received 2 –3000 extra men. This was a great loss on Richard’s behalf.

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During the battle Northumberland remained inactive in the rear indicating to Richard that he had been betrayed reducing his amount of support. This also indicated to Richard’s men that their leader was weak and was loosing support for the battle. The main reason for the betrayal of Northumberland was due to his bitterness towards Richard over loss of power. Northumberland had power in the north and had had his power and title restored by King Edward IV but not all his land. King Richard III was also powerful in the North being a Yorkist and he continued to withhold ...

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