In mid 19th century, Abraham Lincoln's three speeches mirrored the changes in his ideals and themes throughout the Civil War from a political view to a more spiritual level.
In mid 19th century, Abraham Lincoln's three speeches mirrored the changes in his ideals and themes throughout the Civil War from a political view to a more spiritual level. In Lincoln's "House Divided" speech, he rhetorically illustrated the North's concern about morality of slavery, the preservation of the Union, and the increased and conflicted demands of the South. For example, Lincoln exemplified the immoral changes in Negro rights through the actions of the Supreme Court, Senator Douglas, and President Buchanan that coincidentally set the country in motion toward legalized slavery. They established three drastic changes that denied Negroes citizenship, permitted slavery in United States territories, and prohibited Negroes from appearing in United States courts. Lincoln then revealed that these political leaders corruptibly cheated the Negroes of their rights by cooperating together in order to establish a "niche, for the Dred Scot decision...and [declared] the perfect freedom of the [Negroes], to be just no freedom at all." Furthermore, Lincoln affirmed that a division in the government will only weaken its infrastructure by stating, "a house divided against itself cannot stand." In light of failed compromises, Lincoln then explained that the increased tensions over slavery are an inherent flaw in the political system when he said, "I believe this government cannot
Why did the effectiveness of the black campaign for equality decline 1965-68?
Why did the effectiveness of the black campaign for equality decline 1965-68? (40 marks) The Civil rights campaign had been in full swing during 1960-64 as they were using new methods of protest but by 1965/66 the campaign had lost its flair as the protestors appeared to have exhausted a lot of peaceful methods which were initially used and were being largely ignored. 1965 may be seen to mark the beginning of the end of peaceful protests as during this year more and more riots started to break out, initiated usually by black citizens. The government then digressed from the subject of Black Civil rights and this gave radicals an opportunity and reason to rise. Martin Luther King, a figure head for the black campaign for equality, had been publicly fighting successfully for the cause since around 1955; he had campaigned successfully in the south and decided to spread the movement to the north. However he was entering uncharted territory and had limited knowledge of the area, he assumed the north would be the same as the south in terms of tackling the problems; this was not the case. He began in 1966 in Chicago and moved into the slums to demonstrate his empathy and understanding of what life was like for the poverty stricken blacks. The react from northerners, even blacks, wasn't at all what King had expected. The violence displayed by the black people was formidable, despite
Why, despite the victory of the Unionin the Civil War, did former slaves fail to secure full civil rights 1865 - 77?
Why, despite the victory of the Union in the Civil War, did former slaves fail to secure full civil rights 1865 - 77? The end of the Civil War provided America with the perfect opportunity to start again as a united and democratic country. The Northern victory had put an end to the threat of a rupture in the Union, and the future of the country had been established. However, there was also the far more significant chance to unite the country under the flag of liberty and equality, for which the North had won their devastating success. Surely victory would be useless if it was not pursued by a radical change in the situation and status of the African Americans, who, after all, had played a significant part in the war effort. Unfortunately, there were several obstacles in the way of true racial equality, which were destined to remain insurmountable for nearly one hundred years. At the end of the war, the challenge for the Northern leaders seemed intricate and thorny, but not necessarily impossible. The most important question still to be answered was what to do with the rebel states. Should they be treated leniently and allowed back into the union relatively easily, or should they be punished and reformed in order to ensure that Northern values and principles were extended to the South. Lincoln believed in the former view, so proposed the "ten-percent plan," under which ten
Weapons and Armour - Most civil war soldiers carried a rifled musket, which had quickly replaced the smoothbore muskets.
Civil War Assignment By John Jang Yr10 Weapons and Armour Most civil war soldiers carried a rifled musket, which had quickly replaced the smoothbore muskets. Te old smoothbore muskets had very limited range and were not very accurate. In places where soldiers on firing lines were more than a hundred yards apart a smoothbore musket wouldn't do much damage. Mass numbers of soldiers would often charge next to each other towards the defensive line and use bayonets and their superior numbers to wipe out the enemy. However rifled muskets changed the way that soldiers fought. It was a muzzleloader and had grooves inside the barrel that guided the bullet much more accurately. A charging mass of soldiers would be caught in enemy fire half a mile away and so it was impossible for them to get to the defending enemy and kill them. But these new rifles could not be fired very fast. Before a soldier could fire his musket, he had to bite open a paper cartridge, pour powder down the musket barrel, push the bullet in with a ramrod, cock the hammer, and set the percussion cap. New soldiers spent weeks trying to learn how to do t his quickly, but even the rifle fire from experienced soldiers was slow Heavy guns were also loaded by pouring in the powder and then the charge. Between shots the barrel was swabbed out. If a spark remained from the previous shot, the new powder being poured in
Shang Dynasty - 1570 - 1045 bc
Shang Dynasty I INTRODUCTION Shang Dynasty (1570?-1045? BC), Chinese dynasty with the earliest-known written records. It is the most ancient of the Chinese dynasties for which documents are known to exist, marking the beginning of China's written history. The cultural, religious, and political practices of the Shang elites strongly influenced the Zhou, who conquered the Shang in about 1045 BC and established the Zhou dynasty. The Shang texts exist primarily in the form of carvings in the Shang script on animal bones and shells. These inscriptions recorded the king's divinations (ritual acts designed to forecast the future). They provide an account of the daily concerns of the last nine Shang kings, from the 21st king, Wu Ding, to the 29th king, Di Xin. Their period of rule, from about the late 1200s to about 1045 BC, is known as the Late Shang. The Shang state was centered in what is now called the Huabei Pingyuan (North China Plain), an expansive lowland area extending across north central China. Significant population growth and cultural interaction had been taking place there in the 3rd millennium BC, during China's Neolithic Period, or New Stone Age. The Shang culture that emerged in the 2nd millennium BC, during China's Bronze Age, was a product of that interaction. II HISTORICAL RECORD Archaeological excavations of sites tentatively identified as early Shang
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Amir Latif 11B 01/10/01 Franklin D. Roosevelt Assuming the Presidency at the depth of the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt helped the American people regain faith in them. He brought hope as he promised prompt, vigorous action, and asserted in his Inaugural Address, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Born in 1882 at Hyde Park, New York--now a national historic site--he attended Harvard University and Columbia Law School. On St. Patrick's Day, 1905, he married Eleanor Roosevelt. Following the example of his fifth cousin, President Theodore Roosevelt, whom he greatly admired, Franklin D. Roosevelt entered public service through politics, but as a Democrat. He won election to the New York Senate in 1910. President Wilson appointed him Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and he was the Democratic nominee for Vice President in 1920. In the summer of 1921, when he was 39, disaster hit-h-e was stricken with poliomyelitis. Demonstrating indomitable courage, he fought to regain the use of his legs, particularly through swimming. At the 1924 Democratic Convention he dramatically appeared on crutches to nominate Alfred E. Smith as "the Happy Warrior." In 1928 Roosevelt became Governor of New York. He was elected President in
Pennsylvania News November 20th, 1863
Pennsylvania News November 20th, 1863 Yesterday I witnessed what I believe to be one of the greatest speeches of all time. It was at the bloody battlefield of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It was at this juncture where many soldiers lost their lives fighting for freedom, and a unified nation. President Abraham Lincoln gave a speech in response to the horrific battle that took place the first three days in July of this year. The speech, although short, expressed some very good points. The peak of it, which I believe to be moving on and continuing to fight for what those men died for. He made a point of telling the people that those men had not died in vain but in honor. The cause they died for was righteous and what they had accomplished would never be forgotten even long after his speech was. The way in which the speech concluded seemed to almost be an encouragement to the people to keep fighting for the cause. He ended, and I quote, "...that we here resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from this earth." This speech, along with encouraging people to keep fighting, gave them hope for a better nation and a free country. Although many people look upon this speech as diminutive for such a serious occasion, I believe
a) Source A and B both talk about 2 attacks on the American destroyers called Maddox and Turner Joy this was called the Tonkin incident. Both of the sources also say that the boats were in North Vietnamese waters. Both also mention the same boats the Turner Joy and the Maddox. And also in both essays the Maddox gets attacked. Source A never says that the second attack happened because he says 'the commander believed' which then agrees with source B which says there was no attack. There are many differences in the sources such as. Source A mentions the Turner Joy being attacked as well but source B calls it an 'outright fabrication. Using my own knowledge I can say that the Maddox was attacked but the Turner Joy never had any evidence to prove that it was attacked. Another difference is that source B says that there was no visual evidence of an enemy attack where as source A says they sunk a patrol boat and damaged 2. If there was no visual evidence how would they know if they damaged or sunk an enemy boat? Source B doesn't actually say that any of the US destroyers returned fire. Source A says that they were ordered to return fire but source B ignores this fact. I know that the Turner joy did return fire as they were ordered. Source B also does not mention the destroyers damaging or sinking any enemy boats. Source A says they were 2 damaged 1 sunk but source B does not
Revolution in Humility
Revolution in Humility In Gary Wills' "Revolution in Style" he writes that, "Language reverses the logic of horticulture: here the blossoms come first, and they produce the branches." This is, so to speak, that Abraham Lincoln's prose in The Gettysburg Address is one that flowers, and then grows into now epic proportions. A fitting analogy, and one that can be applied as well to the differences between my essay, "The Metamorphosis", and Wills' "Revolution in Style": both have equally beautiful flowers, but in the branches lie the differences. At first approach, my essay maintains the sweetest of smells, but a closer look would reveal the tangled branches. Let us focus however (in the name of fairness) upon the flowers, and not the thorns they conceal. For example, I write, "The next government [that Lincoln proposes] will, in an Emersonian way, transcend the old, for although it will still be a 'government of the people, by the people, and for the people,' it will be one better tested and stronger, a 'new birth of freedom.'" Such commentary seems to flow, fluidly incorporating both concrete detail and my own interpretations on Lincoln's intent as an author. Indeed, the claim that Lincoln's ideas are Emersonian in nature is also a well-founded statement, for did not he propose his own, upstanding system of morality in other speeches, including the Second Inaugural
To what extent did the position of black Americans improve by the end of the Second World War?
To what extent did the position of black Americans improve by the end of the Second World War? In 1865 the confederate states of the south joined the northern American states to make the United States of America. The south had been rooted in slavery and still had an extremely racist attitude, the North was not as extreme but African Americans were still seen as lower class citizens. In 1896 the Plessy vs. Ferguson case ruled that segregation was constitutional as long as 'separate but equal' facilities were maintained. This was not the case though; public facilities for black people were consistently lower than that of whites. The decision also gave the de facto Jim Crow laws legal standing. The Second World War broke out in 1939, mainly considered a European war but America joined in 194? . The Second World War was a turning point in the history of civil rights, many Americans did not know much about the world outside their country and few knew that Racism and segregation was not as much of an issue in other countries. The war gave African American soldiers, as well as White soldiers the chance to see how the rest of the world lived, to see the differences between the societies and also was America's chance to prove they were a good country and gain a good reputation. Socially there was an extreme change during the war years, as a result of agricultural machinery many