How advantageous was the policy of detente to the management of the USA's Cold War diplomacy with the USSR in the 1970's

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How advantageous was the policy of détente to the management of the USA’s Cold War diplomacy with the USSR in the 1970’s?

Throughout the period of the 1970’s the United States came to an agreement to improve relations, this agreement was détente.  This policy was undertaken by President Richard Nixon and his security advisor Henry Kissinger played a crucial role in the creation of détente. It can be argued that the creation of détente was in fact advantageous to America as evidence of cooperation occurred with the likes of the Helsinki accords and the human rights element and arms control was reached with the likes of SALT treaties. Although on the other hand there are some elements of détente in which the USA did not benefit from such as SALT II never taking place, Helsinki accords were ignored and the eventual invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets. This essay will argue that despite limited success in the policy of détente, it was an overall failure.

Previously, agreements such as the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty had been signed and America wanted further arms control between the two nations. The SALT Treaty was signed in 1972. The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty limited the nuclear arsenals of each of the superpowers. SALT I involved the United States and the Soviet Union dismantling a number of Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) launchers before they could build the more advantageous Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile launchers (SLBM). SALT I was quickly followed by the Biological Weapons Convention and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. Supporters of détente can argue this a success as there were dangers of a potential war and nuclear destruction and the SALT treaty reduced these tensions. An achievement of this was that superpower relations had been stabilised and the risks were minimised.

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Détente also enabled the Helsinki accords of 1975. The main factor, which was a success for America, was the agreement that the Soviets agreed to respect human rights, such as freedom of speech and a freedom of movement across Europe. This in return for the USA undermined the hold of the repressive Soviet regimes in Eastern Europe.

During the 1950’s and 1960’s, there was a lot of tension and hostility between China and the USA. This can explicitly be seen through the “hot wars” that occurred in Asia, including the Korean War, the Taiwan conflict, and most ...

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