How crucial a role did war play in the downfall of the Romanov dynasty in 1917?

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“How crucial a role did war play in the downfall of the Romanov dynasty in 1917?”

The largely successful Romanov dynasty came to a crashing end in February when the last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, was forced by the Bolsheviks to sign away his power. The years between 1914 and 1918 were devastating to Russia. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were killed during World War I. In addition, the winter of 1916-17 was one of the coldest in history and the peasants were starving. In March of 1917, Tsar Nicholas was forced to sign away his empire as Alexis his son was too sick to succeed his father and his brother, the Grand Duke Michael, refused the dangerous station. Under house-arrest for more than a year, the Imperial family lived out their final months in solitary confinement from the rest of Russia. On July 16-17, 1918 at midnight, the last of the Tsars, Nicholas II, and his entire family, were massacred in the Ural Mountains, upon orders from Bolsheviks. This was the end of the Romanov Dynasty; the most influential families in Russia.

Although the years leading up to the resignation of the Tsar and the dynasty’s eventual downfall was full of social disaster, we can see there is the theme of war running deeply through the unsuccessful reign of Nicholas II.

Leon Trotsky, a leading Bolshevik revolutionary famously said; “War is the locomotive of history”. It can be argued that war was the catalyst for the eventual revolutions in Russia that resulted in the Downfall of the Romanovs. The First World War was the most notable war that Nicholas II was involved in. The war was a disaster for Russia. Dissatisfaction with the Russian government’s conduct of the war grew despite the success of the June 1916 Brusilov offensive in eastern Galicia against the Austrians. Meanwhile, internal unrest grew in Russia as the Tsar remained out of touch at the front. Empress Alexandra’s increasingly incompetent rule drew protests from all segments of Russian political life and resulted in the murder of Rasputin by conservative noblemen at the end of 1916.

It can be seen that the First World War caused significant unrest in Russia. Many Russians died in the fighting and the economy was severely weakened due to the huge war effort the country was involved in financing. The War was a disaster and lead to the communist party eventually coming to power. Many believe that the War was a good thing and eventually bought about the necessary change to the social system. However, some believe that even without the war, reform would have eventually occurred and there wouldn’t have been such great bloodshed. Yet another point is that no matter what, the social system in Russia was so damaged by the autocratic system, with a war or not the Romanov family were destined to fail.

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All war puts the governments involved under great pressure. It also puts the society under pressure financially and also emotionally. War had great effects on the Russian dynasty over its course. In more recent times leading up to the fall; the Romanovs led Russia into many Wars.

The Crimean War was a humiliating loss that left Russia in taters. Its military was shown as being weak and it was rapidly losing its status as a major power. It did however bring about major reform and eventually led to the emancipation of the serf system in Russia. This in ...

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