How did The Second World War affect America?

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Vishal Sookur                                                                                                     20/2/02

How did The Second World War affect America?

Having been drawn into World War II by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, America was inevitably altered in many ways by the wartime circumstances and the affects of which are still noticeably present today.  The war induced economical, social and political reforms in America.

America is one of the world’s great superpowers and with such massive territorial and economical resources she became the main source for arms and equipment flowing into Europe.  Existing factories were adapted to cater for the demand for war machines and with this sudden influx of business, provided by the Allied war effort, America found herself in a wartime economic boom.  More jobs were available due to the new demand and wages increased leading to a generally higher standard of living.  With the primary focus on arms and weapons there was a shortage of consumer goods during the war but following that saw a return of consumer goods and mass exportation to Europe opening up a new market for commerce.  To fund the initial production of the arms in demand federal taxes were significantly raised mainly in the form of income tax.  Government spending has led to increased taxation remaining a permanent, long-term feature of the US government since WWII.

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Socially the war benefited the majority of black-Americans and women in America who before then, were normally classed below white males living in America.  For example, restrictions were placed on blacks and women in America that made it hard to get a job or receive equal pay.  Women were seen as housekeepers and were not considered as workers unless in extremely poor circumstances and un-married (even then women were not paid equally in comparison to men), for it was the men that supported their wives and household, alone.  However with men being conscripted into the army during the war ...

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