How far did Henry viii achieve his aims in the period from 1509 to 1514? Explain your answer

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Reema Begum

History, Miss Ford

How far did Henry viii achieve his aims in the period from 1509 to 1514? Explain your answer

From the period of 1509 to 1514, Henry VIII had some success in achieving his aims, these were: to be known by people and those of foreign lands and to exceed his father’s recognition, Henry also wanted to start war with France and glorify his countries name, the king also wanted to manage the government securely and control financial issues appropriately as well as keeping nobles intact and dealing with Yorkist threats.

However besides having all of these aims, Henry did not succeed in all of them in the first attempt. An example of this is to invade war on France, though Henry did manage to capture Terrouenne and Tournay in Northern France. Therefore although this was a well structured successful and also favoured the Catholic Church due to Louis XII and the Pope falling out on the other hand The King of France was seen to be a schismatic individual who had a forfeit kingdom. Henry only continued this action because of Maximillian, the 21 year old from the French thrown who then went on to be The Holy Roman Emperor and Ferdinand of Aragon who was King of Aragon and father of Catherine of Aragon, Henry’s wife at the time. Both of Henry’s allies decided that they have more important things to deal with and sign a peace treaty with Louis XII, this cause Henry to be completely isolated at the time as his allies had abandoned him and almost gave him no hope, however Henry continued despite this; the battle lasted from late Spring to middle Autumn of 1513.

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Besides declaring war and capturing Northern France Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, who was at first the Royal Almoner, and then went on to be Henry’s councillor and close companion, gave Henry a suggestion to sign an alliance with France, which as a result would make Henry the centre of foreign attention. So Henry after the Battle of Spurs Henry signed a treaty with France and Louis as a tribute of being king pays Henry 1 million pounds and Henry fixes his sister’s marriage to Louis, as he knows this will make their bond stronger, even though Mary Tudor was a lot ...

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