How far did Hitlers popularity in Germany from 1933 to 1939 depend on his foreign policy?

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How far did Hitler’s popularity in Germany from 1933 to 1939 depend on his foreign policy?

Regarding foreign policy, Hitler set out to overturn the Treaty of Versailles. The politicians of Weimar Republic who sign the treaty were labeled as ‘November Criminals’ as the public felt Germany had stabbed in the back for losing the war. The humiliation of this Treaty made it extremely hated and unpopular amongst the German public.

First of all, Lebensraum enabled him to expand Germany. Germany had been a large empire under the Kaiser Wilhelm II but had been severely downsized due to the Treaty of Versailles. This made Hitler popular as he gave Germans a Greater Germany similar to the empire under the Kaiser. He instilled pride in the Germans and allowed them to return to the glory days of the German empire.

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Anchluss allowed Germany to unite with Austria. This further supported his theory of Lebensraum. Austria joining Germany was seen as a step towards unification which was popular amongst Germans as it solidified the strength of Germany as a large country. He had managed to gain Sudetenland and eventually Czechoslovakia, which was the first non-German land, through appeasement with Britain which made Germany strong amongst the eyes of the Germans which fueled their pride for the country.

Hitler overturned the treaty as he regained the Rhineland to militarize. This appeased the public with the need for a strong army and ...

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