How far did the Zollverein play a apart in the Unification of Germany?

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How far did the Zollverein play a apart in the Unification of Germany?

By Adam Daniell

While the Zollverein itself was not a unifying force of the time, at least on its own, many things

must be taken into account when questioning how far it futhered the road to unification. And to

decide this, one must take look at its roots, and the reasons for its founding, before actually

looking over its history. After the Napoleonic War, the various Germans states went into an

industrial boom (especially after 1850) and some form of trade cohesion was going to be

needed, if satsifactory trade were to take place within the states.One could hazard the comment

that the need for such a thing was a precursor for unification,  but it is a weak argument at best,

with only a few supporters among the Historial Community. And although one cannot doubt that

the original form of the Zollverein was very much the Kleindeutchland that Germany eventually

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came to be, it is still clear that the single states within the Zollverein were not neccessarily

diplomatically linked, monetarily linked, or any such thing. This was seen clearly in 1866, when

the Southern States rallied to aid Austria, despite their membership of the Zollverein.

It is also possible to say that, left alone, the Zollverein would have had no major effect. But like

with so many areas of German government, Bismarck used it to achieve his ends, along with his

predecessors who knew that a Zollverein without Autria's involvement would give Prussia

economic ...

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